King's Business - 1926-11


T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

November 1926

the great church to which he had been aiming. It was filling fast. Five minutes after he entered, the doors had to be closed, for there was not even standing room. He swept the huge, densely-packed building with his keen eyes. Many present were evidently accustomed to gather there, though the bulk were curious strangers. A strange hush was upon the people, a half-frightened look upon many faces, and a general air of suspense. Once, someone in the gallery cracked a nut. The sound was almost as startling as a pistol shot, and hundreds of faces were turned in the direction of the sound. Ralph noticed that the Communion table, on the lower platform under the rostrum, was covered with white, and evidently arranged as for the Lord’s Supper. Exactly at eleven, someone emerged from a vestry and passed up the rostrum stairs. A moment later the man was standing at the desk. Many instantly recognized him. The face of the man was deathly pale; his eyes were dull and sunken. Twice his lips parted and he essayed to speak, but no sound escaped him. The hush deepened. Then, at last, low and husky came the words: “ My dear friends— for I recognize some who have been wont to gather here on the Sundays, though the majority are strangers, I think.” His eyes slowly swept the great congregation. “ We have, I believe, many of us, gathered here this morning more by a new, strange, common instinct, than by mere force of Sunday habit. Yet, I cannot but think that many of us, sol­ emnized by the events that have transpired since last Sun­ day, have met more in the Spirit of real seeking after God than ever we have done before.” A few voices Joined in a murmur of assent, but something like a ripple of mocking laughter came frojs. o^ers. And one voice in the gallery laughed outright— it was the man who had cracked the nut. Momentarily unnerved by that laughter the speaker paused. Then recovering himself he went on: "Our pastor has gone; the puritans (as we were wont to call them) are gone; and we know now— now that it is too late for those of us who are ’left’— that they have been 'caught up’ into the air, to be with their Lord forever. * He glanced down at the white-draped communion table, as he continued: “ Our church officer has performed his usual mpnthly office, and has spread the Table for the Lord’s Supper, but it dawns upon us, friends, how useless, how empty is the symbol since it was only ordained ‘ until He should come.’ He has come, and we, the unready, have been left behind.” “ Tommy-rot! ” • The expression came angrily, sneeringly from the man in T. C. Horton, EcIitor-in-Chief ‘Th e King's Business,” 550 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Mr. Horton: Enclosed, find $....................................and list of five names on attached sheet of paper, to which please send The King’s Business at the special rate of $1.00 each, or $1.25 foreign. Name.....................................—.................... ............ -................................ Address.......:.............................................................•—....... It was the Secretary of the Church. A dead hush fell upon the people.

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