King's Business - 1926-11

N o Student of tKe Bible Can Afford to be Without T H I S B O O K !

w ( p a t m o s V i s i o n s A STUQX of THE APOCAiypSE

A Complete and Interesting Study of the Apocalypse

PHILIPMaU! -------

P h ilip M au ro , au th or o f this book, g rad u ated from the C olum bian L aw U n iversity , W ash in gton , D . C , in 1880, an d en tered a t once upon the practice o f law , m ak in g a specialty o f the law o f paten ts. In h is su c c e ssfu l h an d lin g o f the F ren ch artillery c ase a g a in jt the U . 5 . G ov­ ernm ent, the W estin gh ou se A ir-B ra k e case, etc., etc., M r M au ro acq u ired an in tern ation al reputation . A t the h eight o i h is p ro fe ssio n al care er he w as converted in 1903, to faith in C h rist, since which tim e nis ch ie f occupation h as been the stud y o f the S c rip tu res an d the w ritin g o f b ook s on B ib le them es, in the in terest o f the truth o f G od. H e estab lish ed a rem ark ab le reputation through h is b ooks. E volution at the B a r,” “ T h e N um b er o f M an ,” “ T h e W o rld an d Its G od, _ T h e L ife in the W o rd ,” e tc , se v e ra l o f which h ave reach ed a circulation o f 100,000 copies.

Rich In Sermon Material . _____ "The Patmos Visions are becoming more and more illuminating to us, for our pastor has so far given us 33 Sermons on its lines, and 1s not half through yet. Goa is wonderfully blessing it to us as a congregation. Pastors everywhere will find a supply of very interest­ ing sermon material that will grip the continued atten­ tion of their congregations. $ 3 . 0 0 (Postpaid) A beautifully printed and bound book. Large readable type on a fine stock of book paper. This Is a book you will be proud to own and give as' * Prejent- 1• ve^L? reasonably priced. TEST IT WITH YOUR BIBLE. If you are not satisfied afterwards, your money will be refunded on request. nd C o u p o n Patmos Visions Is on sale by many of the best book stores. If, however, you are unable to get It through that source or find It easier to get i t by mail use the coupon below. HAMILTON BROS., PUBLISHERS SCRIPTURE TRUTH DIROT 3 HAMILTON PLACE, BOSTON, MASS. A friend writes us from Liverpool: 576 Page

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W H A T O T H E R S S A Y :

D r. G . Campbell M o rg a n : “ I h ave given a c a re fu l read in g to th is book. T h is re ad ­ in g re su lts in a conviction that the gen eral th esis is com ­ pletely establish ed . It is the m ost lucid an d sa tisfy in g w o rk on the A p ocaly pse th at I h ave ever read .” P ro f. L . S . Keyset, The Bible Champion : “ T h is is a tru ly m onum ental book. In a m arv elo u s w ay o u r au th o r proceed s to give the m ean in g o f the sym bolical lan g u ag e an d w on d erfu l im agery o f the b o o k o f R e v e la­ tion d raw in g from it rich tre asu re s that stren gth en faith an d fill on e w ith g re a te r love and adm iration fo r the Bible than ev er b efo re. W e can assu re an y stud en t o f the B ible th at a rich rew ard w ill com e to him th rou gh the p e ru sal o f M r. M a u ro ’s book.” T h e Bible Witness, London, E ngland : "W h eth er w e ag re e w ith h im o r not, it is an absolute n ecessity fo r th is w ork to find a place upon the book sh elves o f every stud en t o f the P roph etic Scrip tu res. D r. / . C. M a ssee, T rem ont Temple Baptist Church : "The book, Patmos Visions, is stimulating in the extreme, and satisfying as well. The PT.*™!"®“ ?.?" The he predicates his interpretation i s „ T ilnm i^tine and exposition, based upon that premise is illuminating, ana his conclusions satisfying. , "The book cannot fall to prove a great stimulus to all students of the Apocalypse.” A . Z . Conrad, Pastor, Park S treet Church, Boston : _ _ _ .. ■_______ — _ A n.nfmm/ilv />!• U T . SI. t ruu, i uo*c/r i * ^ ’ “It is readable for the layman and leal In the best sense of the word. It will make u eveia tion a new book to the average reader. Brings Blessings to Missionaries One writes: "This new volume has brought unspeak­ able Joy and light to me." . .. . The secretary of The Bible Union (China) writes that his copy* was immediately borrowed by a missionary of t i l Presbyterian North, •'and his wife told me he hardly put it down until he finished it.

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