King's Business - 1965-03




E v e r y s o o f t e n , a Bible teacher receives a serious letter from a clear-thinking Christian who has done some real soul-searching with regard to his (or her) relationship to the church. Just recently, such a letter came to my attention containing a severe indictment of today’s Christendom, yet voiced in a constructively- critical manner. The writer, who will remain anony­ mous, asks some pointed questions which we believe all thinking Christians would do well to ask—and to which we might all seek some answers. Our correspondent says “ the church in recent years has been so busy reinterpreting the Bible to make it applicable to modern man that we’ve almost eradicated its simple message. We have become an ‘ intellectual’ church. We hold study groups on Robinson’s Honest to God and similar works which suggest ‘demythologizing’ the Bible. Perhaps this may be necessary in our chang­ ing world. But, where does it end?”

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*Mr. Ehrenstein is Director of Biblical Studies for the Evangelical Foundation, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa., and teacher o f three weekly Bible classes in New York, Philadelphia and Washington.


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