King's Business - 1965-03

of which made their hearts tremble. Even Moses admit­ ted that he had trembled and quaked exceedingly (Heb. 12:21). They asked plainly that God should not speak to them directly (Exod. 19:16-18; 20:18, 19), but by men. Says God, “You had an opportunity to communicate with Me directly, but you could not bear it through fear.” The urgency for God’s revelation was rooted in their need for a mediator. During one of Queen Victoria’s journeys, a little boy wanted to see her. He decided to go directly to the castle where she was staying, and to ask to see her. He was stopped at the gate by the sentry, who demanded what he wanted. “ I want to see the Queen.” The guard laughed at him, and with the butt-end of his gun pushed him away and told him to be oif at once, or he would shoot him. The boy turned away and began to weep. He had not gone far, when he was met by the Prince of Wales, who asked why he was crying. “ I want to see the Queen,” said the boy, “but that soldier won’t let me.” “Won’t he?” said the Prince, “ then come along with me, and I’ll take you to the Queen.” He took him by the hand and led him toward the castle. On passing the sentry he, as usual, presented arms to the Prince, and the boy became frightened and ran away, afraid that the soldier was going to shoot him. The Prince quieted him and led him past the gates into the presence of the Queen. She spoke kindly to him, visited with him, and presented him with a piece of money. He needed a go- between. Israel at Sinai realized, too, that they needed a man between them and God. This brings us at once to the truth, thirdly, of

John 1:18: “No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom o f the Father, he hath declared him.” Did you notice the words of the first Bible verse? We read, “we beheld his glory.” They could receive the communication through Him. It did not frighten them as at Sinai. God had to provide this agency Himself. The office of prophet was not elective or hereditary, but by appointment o f God. It is true that every prophet raised up of God was a partial fulfill­ ment of this prediction of Moses, but only Christ can ultimately fulfill the terms of the prophecy. John, His forerunner, admitted he was not the prophet who was to come into the world. He was the Prophet mighty in word and deed (Acts 3:22, 23; 7 :37; Hebrews 1 :2). The two great qualifications for a prophet are outlined in Isaiah 50:4, 5: he had to have the hearing ear to hear the message of God aright, and the trained tongue to speak that message aright. Jesus the Christ had both. He was greater than the greatest prophet. Moses and Christ, it is true, were alike in the capacity of a media­ tor, in the prominence of their ministry, the greatness of the miracles performed, in beginning a new age, and in direct communion with God. But Moses declared that he was predicting the coming of One greater than himself. And the message of this Mediator is no ordinary one. It shows, lastly,



We mean His message was with authority. Those who would not hear His words (verses 18, 19) would be called to account for it in the judgment. God will re­ quire it of every man. To fail to give heed here is eter­ nal death, eternal punishment. It is not a matter of opinion, but o f the authority of God Himself. True, we need not turn to superstitions or magical arts to get God’s message, but we stand in need of a mediator when we approach Him, and such an One has been provided, dear reader, in the greater prophet than Moses— the Lord Jesus Christ. But you must hear Him; you must believe without delay. Do it now right where you are!

The one who accomplishes the work of the go- between is a mediator. Here He is designated as a “ prophet like Moses.” God heeded the cry of Job who yearned for a Daysman (Job 9:33) who could stand be­ tween him and God; in due time the Word was made flesh. John 1:14: ‘The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth”

MARCH, 1965


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