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IS IT W O RTH TH E COST? Matthew 16:26
Introduction I llustration : Farmer insisted that tenant divide hay crop without supervision: “ If you want to go to hell for a few bales of hay, I’ll furnish the hay.” 1. You laugh at that fellow for selling out cheap. 2. Yet Jesus said the man who gains the whole world at the loss of his own soul loses in the end. I. Some Have Tried to Gain the World as Their Own, but All Have Failed. A. Many have attempted world conquest. 1. Pharaoh. 2. Belshazzar. 3. Alexander the Great. 6. Napoleon. 7. Mussolini. 8. Hitler. B. The ambitions of most people are smaller than world con quest. C. Most ambitions run toward def inite ends. II. What Does It Profit If You Fulfill Your Ambition and Lose Your Soul Doing It? A. World of wealth. B. World of success in business. C. World of pleasure. D. World of romance. E. World of political power. 1. I llustration : “ Rather be right than be president.” Henry Clay. 2. Poem: “ God, Give Us Men.” F. World of sinful indulgence. III. What Horrible Thing Must I Do to Be Lost? A. Neglect. (Hebrews 2:3) B. Reject. (John 3:36) IV. What Has It Cost to Save Your Soul? A. It cost God His Son. B. It cost Christ His life by a shameful death on the cross. C. It cost the blood of the martyrs. D. It cost a faithful line of mis sionaries and ministers their life’s devotion. 4. The Caesars. 5. Charlemagne.
“Vacation Special” JULY 12-JULY 23
In addition to the regular three- and six-week plans, Moody again offers the two- week, short-course program. Five courses are available in Bible, theology, evangelism and Christian education. WORKSHOPS SEM INAR S JUNE 21-JULY 9 Fundamentals of Christian Broadcasting Practical Evangelism by Harry Saulnier of Pacific Garden Mission Missionary Literature Workshop * SPECIAL JUNE 28-JULY 3 CHURCH M U SIC W ORKSHOP *
JULY 12 -JULY 30
A N D 2 -W E E K “ V A C A T IO N S P E C IA L ” Here’s an outstanding opportunity to study at M oody Bible Institute with a dedicated staff o f more than 40 Bible teachers, Christian educators and gospel musicians. Over 50 accredited subjects will be offered to enrich your Bible knowledge and provide experience in a wide range o f Christian work from personal evangelism to mimeo graph operation. A total o f 13 different courses will permit study o f 28 books o f the Bible . . . covering both Old Testament and New Testament. Concentrated study permits subject coverage that ordi narily requires a full semester in Day School. FREE TIM E . . . With most classes scheduled in the morning, afternoons are free for study, practical Christian work, or relaxation and sight-seeing. COSTS ARE MODEST . . . Tuition is free . . . board and room at the school as low as $22.50 per week (double occupancy; $25 single). Student benefit fee $5. Some classes have small additional fees. GI approved. Where else can you enjoy Summer School and vacation for so modest a cost? J -j-
JULY 12-JULY 30 Open Air Evangelism Duplicating Techniques for the Church Audiovisual Aids
Dept. 3K5
MOODY BIBLE I N S T I T U T E Dr. William Culbertson, president . Dr. S. Maxwell Coder, dean 820 N. LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610
WRITE TODAY for FREE CATALOG and APPLICATION PAPERS Application must be in at least 10 days before opening session you plan to attend.
V. What Will It Cost You? A. Denying self. B. Bearing your cross. C. Following Christ.
Please send me Sum mer School folder, Name _ catalog and applica- Address- tion papers. City ____
D. Believing, repenting, obeying.
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_ Z ip _
Is it worth the cost to follow Christ? Ask Nero . . . or Paul.
MARCH, 1965
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