T A L K IN G withDr. Clyde
Dr. Narramore, graduate of Columbia University, New York City, is a nationally known psychologist. He is the director of one of America's
largest psychological clinics— The Christian Counseling center in Pasadena, California.
Many intelligent women read this page, so I am going to ask them to write me immediately and give me their reactions. Then I will print their answers in a subsequent issue. All right ladies, let’s have your suggestions. What should this lady do? TEENAGE DEC IS ION Q. I am a Christian teenager who will graduate from high school this spring. I am interested in the field of counseling with high school age young people. I would like serving as a teacher in a subject such as Family Living or Basic Living, or whatever they call it in the different parts of the country. To serve in such a ca pacity I feel one must have some courses in psychology. Could you give me the names of some colleges or universities that have good psychol ogy departments that you would rec ommend? I would be interested in majoring in that field. A. There is a great future for young men in the field of school psychology. There are many openings and the salaries are good. Most positions in this field are in elementary schools. Such work puts you in contact with boys and girls, parents and educa tors. The opportunities for witness ing are absolutely unlimited. Requirements usually are: a) un dergraduate major in elementary education, b) master’s degree in education psychology, and c) the possession of the school psychologist credential issued by the. State De partment of Education in the state where you are employed. I suggest you attend a Christian college of your choice to receive the bachelor’s degree, then attend a state or private college or university to receive the master’s degree.
ested in a widower who lives near me. I knew him and his wife real well before his wife died. I believe he knows my feelings toward him, but he does not make any move to ward me. I have a real strong feeling to-- ward him and can’t seem to get him out of my mind night or day. He is a wonderful person and a good Chris tian. I have prayed and prayed about this situation. If God would only bring us together! Am I out of my mind to feel this way? Should I pray more? A. No, you are not out of your mind, but you are lonesome. You have met someone who seems to be just the person for you, and you are anxious to have him know how you feel. Whether he’s the person for you, of course, I do not know, nor do I have any way of telling. You ask “ Should I pray more?” Yes, you should. Not long ago I heard a television program, and I was terribly disappointed with the panel members. They were talking about marriage and remarriage. Never once did they bring up the matter of prayer. Indeed, you, a Christian, should seek God’s divine will in this important concern. If God has a design for every leaf on every tree, a design for every snowflake, He certainly has a design for your life. Just because you haven’t found it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there. I am somewhat at a loss to suggest just what you should do because I’m a man and I don’t know what Chris tian women should be doing (if any thing) to attract men. You should, of course, improve yourself intellec tually, spiritually, and physically. I take for granted that you are a discreet person- and that your mo tives are right.
Q. There is a problem in my life for which I have no solution. We have just bought a new home, and in this neighborhood there is one person who seems to get on everyone’s nerves. He is always worrying you about something he wants, or he walks over in your yard and tells you what to do. He is against all the things that have been done to help improve our neighborhood. For some reason or other, I can’t seem to stand him. I have prayed for him. Do you think I should tell him to stay at home? How can I solve this problem? A. There are many people who have this difficulty. They are maladjusted and they take out their personality disturbances on everyone around them. The Bible teaches us to live peace ably with all men if we can. You should do your part. You should wit ness to this man and do all you can for him spiritually. On the other hand, you should pro tect your own family too. It may be necessary to tell him that he is not to come to your house. He may have a rather serious emotional or mental problem — more serious than you actually realize. I’m sure if you look at it in this light you will know what is best to do. If you can encourage him to seek professional help, you would be do ing him a great favor.
Q. I am wondering if you might be able to help me. My husband died about a year ago, and since that time, I have been very much inter
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