King's Business - 1965-03

Learning can be a happy experience for V.B.S. pupils OurReftnur VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL COURSE • Five year course • Bible centered • Each series complete in itself • Theme study from Old and New Testament

I W A N T TO L IVE W IT H JESUS, IN THE LAN D BEYOND THE VE IL I want to live with Jesus, In the land beyond the veil, In the glory of His presence, Beyond life's sad travail. I want to live with Jesus, When earth's sad day is done, In heavenly realms of glory, The realm of God's dear Son. I want to live with Jesus, In the kingdom of His love, Abiding in His presence. In that land of joy above. I want to live with Jesus, Farewell to things of clay, In the glory world of blessing, Farewell to time’s sad day. I want to live with Jesus, In that Heavenly realm above, To dwell in His dear presence In the kingdom of His love. To greet the loved ones yonder, With them Heaven's joys to drink, Exquisite bliss to ponder, At that fair river's brink. WHEN 1 AM OLD When wistful eyes have grown too dim To trace the far horizon's rim, And dull ears seldom catch the words Of loved ones, never hear the birds— Lord, grant me this; though flesh shall fail And music cease and beauty pale, Withdraw not Thy supporting arm, But still Thy miracles perform! As fail the things of sense and flesh. Creator, fashion me afresh From Thine eternal loveliness And clothe me with Thy righteous­ ness! When these my busy hands grow still, How sweet to rest within Thy will! When shadows cloud my earthly sight, Still glows for me Thy kindly light. What though my ears hear not the birds? Ah, lovelier far Thy whispered words! Lord, all my sunset hours are sweet When they are spent at Thy dear feet! — Martha Snell Nicholson To sing the songs of Zion, And with the immortals dwell To sing His praise forever, As Heavenly anthems swell. — Col. A. D. Bradley

Instruction material includes direc­ tor’s manual, teachers’ guides, pu­ p ils' workbooks. Visual aids include 2 flannelgraph m issionary stories and 2 flash card stories in color (4 cards each). E sp e c ia lly ge a re d fo r the smaller school with small budget, limited equipment and staff. At your local bookstore or descrip­ tive literature available from:

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1816 Chestnut Street,Dept. k v 65 Philadelphia,Pa. 1 9 1 0 3

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O x f o r d B i b l e s T h e C r ite r ion o f Qua lity


MARCH, 1965


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