King's Business - 1965-03

indicated by capitalized headings. Many authorities are quoted in the notes. Anyone who worked his way through the book would find himself abundantly repaid for the effort. This is a reissue of the original 1924 printing. 728 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids; $5.95. “ Well, not quite all,” one might add to the above title, but the author does discuss in summary manner thirty-one of the doctrines of the Bible, including the major ones. Treatment is geared closely to the Biblical material, but standard au­ thors are quoted from time to time. Captions and outlined subdivisions make for easy reading. Dr. Lockyer finds seven covenants, from that with Adam to that of grace, but adds one not usually found in the treatment of covenants — the covenant with death and hell, between Israel and Antichrist (Dan. 9:27 R.V.). In such doctrines as adoption, assurance, Sa­ tan and demons, and the last things, orie finds a satisfying treatment in contrast to that often found in the more so-called classic theologians. The teachings of Scofield, Pierson, Moule, Morgan and others are called upon frequently to augment the Scriptural exposition. There are good indexes of subjects, authors, and texts. Readers will find this a very usable handbook to Christian doc­ trine. — 310 pages; cloth; Zonder­ van Publishing House, Grand Rap­ ids; $4.95. Only eternity will reveal the wide influence and stimulus to Christian growth and evangelism that have re­ sulted from the ministry of the Kes­ wick Convention in England. The author was authorized by the Con­ vention Council to write this his­ tory. It began in 1875 in a tent. Two main speakers for the first session cancelled out for health reasons. In spite of this inauspicious start, most of the great preachers and Bible ex­ positors of the English-speaking world at one time or another have A ll the Doctrines of the Bible by Herbert Lockyer The Keswick Story By J. C. Pollock

I Was A Mormon by Einar Anderson

After living in Mormonism for years, then being delivered from it and witnessing to Mormons for a long period, Mr. Anderson is in a position to be of help both to Mor­ mons in understanding the defects of their system, and to those work­ ing with them. After coming to Cali­ fornia, Mr. Anderson found Christ as his Saviour at a meeting in Escon­ dido, California, conducted by First Mate Bob and the Crew of the Good Ship Grace. The book is arranged in the fol­ lowing manner: first the author gives a brief history of the movement; then he addresses himself to some “ stones of stumbling,” such as poly­ gamy, the Mountain Meadows mass­ acre, blood atonement, etc. Following this, he explores their doctrine of restoration, an important feature of Mormonism. Seven articles of faith are then examined, one of which deals with “wresting the Scriptures.” Personal anecdotes enliven the book, especially the account of the author’s interview with a Mormon president and his defense before the Mormon Court. The book is most interesting, well illustrated with pictures, and most practical in its value. Mr. An­ derson is one of the most effective speakers to Mormons and about them. 186 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.95. The compiler of this very interest­ ing and useful manual once was preaching a series of doctrinal ser­ mons on the second coming of Christ. Realizing at that time the need for a thorough study of the subject, he compiled the Scripture p a s s a g e s which deal with matters pertaining to the sequence of end-time events, of which the second advent is a prominent part. Included are the- cov­ enants, prophecies concerning Israel, the kingdom, and a wide variety of subjects. The title is thus somewhat of a misnomer. The material is in Biblical order, but there is no index to subjects, which would have been a real help. Subjects identified are The Millennium Bible By William E. Biederwolf


THE WHOLE BIBLE IN WESLEYAH TRADITION General Editor: Charles W. Carter AUTHORS: Matthew, Mark & Luke — Dr. Ralph Earle

The Gospel of John — Dr. Harvey J. S. Blaney The Acts of the Apostles — Prof. Charles W. Carter

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W M . B. E E R D M A N S PU B L ISH ING CO . Grand Rapids, Michigan



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