King's Business - 1965-03

CEYLON ««»INDIA GENERAL MISSION and PAKISTAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Our Ministry Includes: orrespondence Bible Courses xtdigenous Churches ospel and Literature Distribution inistry to Lepers Write for FREE Literature NOR TH HALE S T ., W H EA TON , ILLINOIS 60187 107-K

FACTS VERSUS HYPOTHESIS If things evolved from crudeness at the first. And, as the scientists declare, do bet­ ter grow Until to full perfection they arrive, I'd like, with some inquiring minds, to know Why walls we build, in times so far advanced, Cannot compare, for durability, With Roman walls I've seen on other soil, Outlasting, as they do, each cen­ tury. I wonder can it be the mind of man Was smaller, after all, to think and plan? Again, the Egyptologist, today Proclaims the fact that ages of the past Produced a culture, and a system rare, That, all our modern systems, may outlast. Now turn we to the Book of sacred lore, Where prophets of the living God foretold A growing decrease in the faith of man, Who yet would leave the Father's sheltering fold. I wonder if those prophets brave and keen Would ill compare with preachers we have seen? — Alice Maude Carvell TH IS I KNOW I "That God exists, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit That God is spirit; infinite in holiness, love, wisdom, knowledge, and power; eternal, unchangeable, and present everywhere. That all else, visible and invisible, was created by God. That the Bible is the only Divinely inspired revelation from God to man. That man was made in the image of God and has fallen from fellow­ ship with God That the Son of God became man, died redemptively, and rose from the dead physically. That regeneration by God's Holy Spir­ it on God's terms of a broken will and a trusting heart is the only way for man to come into fel­ lowship with God. That growth to the likeness of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit through various means of grace is required of the Christian. That the Church (1) universal— the Body of Christ, constituted of all true believers — and ( 2 ) local, has a mission to accom­ plish, the Gospel witness world­ wide. That in the future Christ is coming again, there will be judgment, heaven and hell."

FLANNELGRAPH S from GENESIS to REVELAT ION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, •large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and'fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.0. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 1«, Calif.

TEAM ANNUITIES A Commendable Investment for Christians For 75 years, The Evangelical Alliance Mission has taken salvation’s message to the lost. And now we are moving forward with more missionaries and into new fields. Today you may share in this ministry through TEAM’S long-established and well-proven Annuity Plan. Your investment is worry-free and has substantial tax advantages. Your generous interest return is reg­ ularly and promptly paid.



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