King's Business - 1965-03

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-e \p- V'STT Q, CULTS CRITIQUE by Betty Bruechert

What does the new federal program mean to Christian education? W rite for the free booklet CH R IST IAN SCHOOLS IN THE GREAT SOCIETY

M A R IJ U A N A CU LT A s THE COMING of the Lord Jesus Christ draws nearer, we can ex­ pect ever stranger manifestations of the power of the devil, particularly in wild religious orgies. Recently on the lower east side of New York, such a cult was raided by the police. Narcotics Bureau plain-clothes men, seeking marijuana, d i s c o v e r e d a weird group calling themselves “ the cult Kerista.” The members, claim­ ing to be authors and poets, sprawled unclothed on mattresses in five rooms of an apartment house. Gus Engelman in the New York Journal-American* d e s c r i b e s the scene: “ The Keristas, most of them in their twenties, were led by a six- foot-two goateed disabled war vet­ eran. . . . Their love feasts had been going on over the weekend for four months. . . . Also found in the apart­ ment were three young children, a boy 2, a girl 2 and another boy 1. All were removed to the Children's Shelter. . . . The Inspector’s men said they found marijuana under mat­ tresses and closets, about a pound and a half of it.” As the raiding team of nine rounded up these cultists, a woman member, 22, walked in with another pound of marijuana. Followed by police to her home around the comer, she led them to her husband, 23, en­ gaged in filling bags with more of the narcotic, which is derived from the highly hallucinatory hemp. In all, 4y2 lbs., estimated to be worth $8,500.00, was confiscated. Mr. Engelman continues in his ac­ count: “ The cultists were herded in­ to the East Fifth Street Station where they began singing lustily ‘to cleanse our souls’ as one explained. . . . They were booked on charges of possession, loitering for the purpose of using narcotics, indecent exposure, impairing the morals of minors, and maintaining premises for pros­ titution.” When asked the origin of the name “ Kerista,” the leader stated that it had come to him in a vision and that it meant “ collective love.” The appalling tragedy of this ap­ palling incident is the involvement of young people just out of their teens and little children. God grant that we Christians may increase our efforts to win the young people of

N A T IO N A L A S SO C IA T IO N OF C H R IS T IA N SCHOOLS P.O. Box 28, Dept. K3 Wheaton, Illinois

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this nation for Christ! *Used by permission


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