the South...the
From Santa Barbara and Bakersfield on the North, the desert on the East, the ocean on the West and San Diego on J k K B B I js S è 1 0 7 .« RM.C . 9 (transmitting from Mt. Wilson) S A N DIEGO a 1 0 M .» RM.C. (Full Mme FM Multiplex Stereo)
is heard 18 hours daily over BIOLA’s two FM stations.
Listen to "Telephone Request Time" with Brian Bastien, 10:00 A.M. Weekdays Thomas E. Steele, Manager
M e c e n t l y a y o u n g mother said to me. “ I’m of a jealous nature. You ought to know this by now. I just can’t help it.” Because she had asked me for help in a problem I had to tell her: “ It’s past time for you to realize you can ‘help it.’ A statement like this from a believer is nothing short of sin. The Word of God allows for no self indulgence in any area, jealousy in cluded. Small wonder you are a vic tim of tension.” Devotion to things and preoccupa tion with self are allies of tension. Many of us talk too much. We talk ourselves into tension we would not have if we were busy cultivating “ a meek and quiet spirit.” Self-indul gence feeds the flame of tensions but the meek and quiet spirit covers an iron hand of self discipline. Tensions, which Webster defines as “ the acts of straining or stretch ing to the degree or state of stiff ness” are becoming an increasingly serious problem. Carried by exten sion into the physical realm, tensions mean “mental strain, intensity o f feeling or effort; nervous anxiety.” Among unbelievers who have very little security, no “ Rock of Defense,” tensions are understandable. But what about those within God’s fam ily who are tension-ridden? Is it per haps that we are too self-centered rather than Christ-oriented ? Thé ground isn’t very conducive to the development of tensions where the individual is actively content with such things as he has (not is) and at the same time disciplining his body and mind in order to serve the Lord more effectively. Paul knew the secret of overcom ing tensions and frustrations: “ I keep my body under . . .” (I Cor. 3:14). “ If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above” (Col. 3: 1) . “Forgetting those things which are behind, and reach ing . . . I press toward the mark” (Phil. 3:14). Self, aided by Satan, is the author of tensions; God is the Author of peace. Whom have you enthroned in your heart and home? M A R C H , 1965
Enjoy "Recipe for Good Listening" with Roger Booth
Daily at 10:30 A.M. Phill Butler, Manager
For further information about FM, and for complete program logs, write BIOLA EXTENSION DEPARTMENT, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California.
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