King's Business - 1965-03

Peopleto theNew

75 Y E A R S REACHING OUR SAMARIA In 1890, Dr C. I. Scofield called on Chris­ tians to pray, give, and go

to Central America . . . They did! And this we continue to do by God's help.

Lt. General William K. .Harrison (re­ tired) was recently elected Chair­ man of the Board of Incorporate Members of Dallas Theological Semi­ nary and Graduate School of The­ ology. Dr. Richard H. Seume, pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church, Rich­ mond, Virginia, was elected Chair­ man of the subordinate Board of Regents. General Harrison previous­ ly served as chairman of the Board of Regents. He was the commanding officer of the United Nations forces who signed the document ending the Korean conflict.

the Seventh Inter-Varsity Mission­ ary Convention held recently at the University of Illinois. “ The basic message of the Bible is clear and we dare not confuse it,” declared Dr. Kantzer. “God wishes to save all men and that is why He sent His Son, Jesus. . . .” Motivation for mis­ sionary service in terms of the need of all men to know Jesus Christ was explained by four speakers at the Convention. Dr. Kantzer’s remarks emphasizing the judgment of God were expanded by Dr. Eugene Nida, translations secretary of the Ameri­ can Bible Society. Others who spoke were Donald Hoke, a missionary of TEAM and president of Japan Chris­ tian College and Paul Little, staff member for Inter-Varsity. Dr. Howard W. Ferrin has been select­ ed as first chancellor of Barrington College, Rhode Island. Mr. Charles E. Hummel has been called as the new president. The double inauguration has been scheduled for the fall con­ vocation of the school this year. Mr. Francis R. Steele, home secretary for the North Africa Mission, has revealed that a new effort is being made to reach the Arabic speaking people in the establishment of a ra­ dio school of the Bible beamed specif­ ically to them. The eventual target is the entire Muslim world. Mr. John Jesberg and Mr. Joseph M. Copeland, representing the Pocket Tes­ tament League of Englewood, New Jersey, are pictured below present­ ing a personalized copy of the Pocket


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Dr. and Mrs. V. E. Cory (center and third from right) are pictured be­ low with members of the Scripture Press staff and consultants during their two and one-half day confer­ ence held in Wheaton, Illinois. The group spent the major share of the time examining nation-wide Chris­ tian education trends and exchanged ideas relating to the total education program of the local church. Gary S. Bawden is the director of Public Relations for the newly incor­ porated organization, The American Evangelistic Association, whose pur­ pose is the co-ordinating of the work of evangelists across America. Since" 1963 the evangelical and interde­ nominational organization has been extending its work throughout the United States by stationing its evan­ gelists in major regions and by form­ ing state evangelism committees. Mr. Evon Hedley, chairman of the Christian Stewardship Council, is­ sued an invitation to leaders of evan­ gelical organizations to the groups’ third annual meeting, March 24 and 26 in San Diego, Calif. The purpose of the gathering is “ to consider ways and means of improving the financial operation of Christian causes.” Mr. Rod Sargent of the Navigators is vice chairman. Dr. Kenneth Kantzer, dean of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deer­ field, Illinois, was among speakers at

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Testament to General Lyman L. Lemnit- *er. Supreme Allied Commander at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Nato’s principal Eu r o p e a n International Military Headquarters. Rev. Sam Wolgemuth recently was elected the new president of Youth (continued on page 19)



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