King's Business - 1965-03

gone, but we have a Home in Hea­ ven, and that is where I am going some day. How many of you will do the same thing now? Those who do not obey the Heavenly Father are in for much worse than a tornado.” Mrs. Benson, taking the now- awakened Alice by the hand, slid over to her husband’s side and knelt on the hay. All of the children followed and Mr. Benson prayed. When he finished, Mrs. Benson said quietly, “ This is what I have prayed for ever since the meeting your father men­ tioned. Now let us dry our tears. We’ll get other clothes and when we do, we’ll go to church and Sunday School regularly.” At that moment a great clatter was heard and in the yard was a caravan of neighbors in their cars. Mr. Ben­ son opened the window of the hay barn and called out: “We are up here and safe! Watch out for live wires!” The Lindsay car drove up to the window. “We feared you had been hit but we did not know how bad,” said Mr. Lindsay, “ Some of your house is in a ditch near my place. How did you ever make it to the cellar? We have come to take you home to a hot breakfast and to outfit you in clothes if you need it. The others will give what help they can. Browns’ chicken house was in the path of the tornado and it took every­ thing but the feathers. Jacksons lost two good horses. But you got the brunt of it. It dipped up and down, and cut a swath like a mowing ma­ chine. Hurry, for I know you are cold and hungry.” Great was the excitement at the Lindsay house as the Benson children related their versions of the “ big blow.” At the breakfast table there was more laughter than tears and this puzzled Mrs. Lindsay. “ I do not see how you can take it like this,” she said to the Ben­ sons, “ I believe I should just go to pieces if anything happened to this house.” Mr. Benson did not hesitate. “We are so thankful to God for sparing our lives that the house seems noth­ ing. God has spoken to me through this trial. So from this time on, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord,’ as the Bible says.” Peggy, the irrepressible, put in her word: “ Daddy says it was Instant Obed­ ience that saved us. We had Instant Coffee and Instant Tea in our house but that didn’t save us. It was some­ thing we didn’t know we had: In­ stant Obedience!” —From the May 1962 issue of The


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(continued) to the crops; I think it went up over them after hitting the house. When I am finished, we will milk the cows and have something to drink. Then Harry and I will drive over to the Lindsays and get some help. I do not want any of you to go near the house until I tell you . . . that is, I mean near where the house was,” he said grimly. “ I’ll try to make this brief, but I want you to listen to me, and never forget what I have to say. I learned a great lesson this night. First; I want to ask all of you a question. What do you think saved our lives?” Ann spoke up promptly, “ God did.” “ That is very true, Ann, but how did He do it?” “By having you yell at us to run for the cellar!” Harry answered. “Yes, that’s so, too, Harry. I don’t know how I woke, but I did. But still that is not all the reason. I think Mother can tell us,” he said, looking at his wife expectantly. “ It was because you obeyed your father the instant he called you. If you had waited one more minute, all of us would have been killed,” said Mrs. Benson, with a shudder. “Don’t you mean, Mom, that all of those who didn’t obey would have been killed ?” asked Tom. Mr. Benson answered for his wife, “ No, she means that if one of you had de­ layed, we would have waited for you. We would not have left one of you. So if one had disobeyed, there would have been no Benson family left. It was your instant obedience that by the grace of God saved our lives.” There was silence for a minute as the rain dripped and the fragrance of the hay pervaded the loft. Then Mr. Benson went on, “Now I want to add this, my dear children, and my beloved wife: it was your example that caused me tonight to see how wrong I have been. Several years ago your mother and I went to an evangelistic meeting in a little church at Hawthorne, and there she wanted to go forward and accept Christ, but I said, ‘No, let’s do it later.’ We came home and you know we have scarcely been in the Lord’s house since. God spoke to me that night and I didn’t obey Him as you obeyed your father tonight. In the moments we waited in that cyclone cellar, He spoke to me again. This» time I did obey and right then and there I asked Him to come into my heart, to forgive my sins and to take over the control of my life. We have been living just for things, for our possessions. Now our home is

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