well-being o f the society in which he lives. We as a people have none but ourselves to blame for the situation. The late President Kennedy, in his inaugural address, challenged us as citizens o f this great Commonwealth in the words: "Let no one ask what his country can do for him, but let him ask what he can do for his country.” Unfortunately this noble purpose was lost in the mad effort o f everyone’s trying to get what he thought were his rights rather than in fulfilling his responsibility. This cynical attitude continues to be fostered and promulgated. We are rushing at such a headlong speed in our effort to obtain individual rights and privileges that the very thought o f any responsibility we may have toward others is ignored completely. It is our conviction that this condition exists because our great Protestant denomina tions have long since ceased to emphasize the moral and righteous responsibility on the part o f the individual, first toward God and then toward his fellowmen and, instead, have been preaching the doctrines o f individual rights and privileges as the supreme goal o f every person. It is indeed a sorry situation when the highest- paid executive o f one o f the great denominations deliberately puts himself into a position o f being arrested and jailed in defense o f so-called individual rights. The degrading spectacle o f angry mobs jeering and even physically restraining police officers from doing their duty and fulfilling their sworn obligation to society in dispersing rabble-rousers and irresponsible obstructionists in vari ous governmental hearings on subversive activities in our coun try; the apparent effort that is now beginning to take form in the alarming attempt to "get” the Director o f our Federal Bureau o f Investigation, Mr. J. Edgar Hoover; the attempt to downgrade the influence o f this great stronghold o f historic Americanism: all point to a most frightening condition which exists in our land today. We believe this stems from two lines o f thought which had their beginnings, at least so far as the popular presentation was concerned, about forty years ago. One was in the area o f educa tion, the other in the area o f theology. Around 1930, the philos ophy o f a well-known educator by the name o f John Dewey began to be increasingly popular. Regardless o f the academic terminology which he employed, the net result o f his educational philosophy led to the elimination in large measure o f corporal punishment in schools, the breakdown o f discipline, the propaga tion o f the idea that the child was to be given individual freedom to express himself as he so desired, allowed to take his place in the society o f adults, encouraged to develop his personality by assert ing his rights wherever he might find himself. Although it might be argued successfully that there were certain facets o f Dewey’s educational program which were worthwhile, certainly this part o f his highly imaginative thought processes has completely gone to seed and today we are reaping the devastating results o f a whole generation which has lost irreparably any concept o f per sonal and group responsibility toward society as a whole. (continued on page 36)
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