JULY 2020
GROWING UP AT SUMMER CAMP S’mores, Campfires, and Lifelong Friendships
game on Friday and my team needs me.” It wasn’t long before the letters said, “I love it here, can I stay for the second session?” Camp helped Hannah blossom into a self- assured, independent woman. Now she’s going to be a general surgeon. I don’t know if we can give camp all the credit for that one, but I do know it played an important part in helping her come out of her shell. After she outgrew her time as a camper, Hannah volunteered as a counselor at Flying Horse Farm, a camp that serves kids with serious illnesses. It’s an amazing place that holds a special place in our hearts. I cherish the time I spent volunteering in the kitchens and seeing firsthand the people they are serving and the difference camp can make. It is truly magical. This summer, Flying Horse made the difficult decision to suspend their in-person camp programs. I feel for these kids who are missing out on camp this summer. The camp is doing the best they can to make the most of the situation. They’ve been coming up with creative virtual programming, and yes, it even involves s’mores. I know it won’t duplicate being at camp in person, but I hope it will at least be a fun way for campers to stay connected and have some fun. I guess that’s what we’ve all been doing — trying to figure out how to make the most of the situations life brings us. It’s not always easy, and if an important moment in your life was put on pause or altered, I’m so sorry. I hope you’ve had the opportunity to grieve and
There have been so many missed milestones this summer, including weddings, graduations, and entire sports seasons. With all that’s been postponed or canceled, I can’t help but think of all the kids who won’t get to go to summer camp. For my kids, and for me, camp — the kind that involves campfires and singing, swimming in the lake, and sleeping in cabins —was a quintessential part of summer. From the time they were 8 until they became counselors when they got older, camp was always part of my kids’ summers. Each year, I noticed how my kids came home more confident, more independent, and more sure of their place in the world. I noticed this especially in my youngest, Hannah, who was always very shy as a kid. She was the one to hide behind my legs when faced with someone she didn’t know. The first letter that came from her started with, “The food is terrible, please come get me,” which was very difficult as a parent. Soon though, the letters changed to, “Please come get me, but not until Saturday because there is a big kickball
have found other sources of joy, even if they aren’t the same as what you had planned.
In many ways, the time my kids spent away from home each year helped them find out who they are and form their identities. Camp also gave them lifelong friends, many of whom they keep in touch with to this day. I feel very lucky that they had these experiences, and knowing how beneficial they were, my wish is that every kid gets to take part in the joy and fun to be had at summer camp.
“Each year, I noticed how my kids came home more confident, more independent, and more sure of their place in the world.”
–Hillary Rinehardt
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GOING THE EXTRA M Thinking Outside the Box to Get
A MEAL FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Meals on Wheels Goes the Extra Mile Meals on Wheels doesn’t often get the credit it deserves. The international nonprofit ensures those who are unable to buy or make their own meals get the food they need to survive. Of course, for many recipients, the efforts of the organization go far beyond “survival.” For those who receive food daily or weekly, those deliveries may be their only source of social interaction. And during times of social distancing, the program became more important than ever. Meals on Wheels doesn’t just serve meals to the elderly and people with disabilities — it also serves those people’s pets. In 2019, Meals on Wheels Atlanta realized there was a huge need in their community to feed the pets of senior citizens. It stands to reason that if an elderly individual is unable to shop or cook for themselves, their pets may be in a similar predicament. And when someone’s pet is their entire world, making sure the animal is fed and healthy means everything. In response to this need, Meals on Wheels Atlanta began stocking up on cat and dog food, creating their own pantry to serve the local pet community. When volunteers made their rounds delivering meals to seniors, they made sure to bring cat and dog food along too. One volunteer with Meals on Wheels Atlanta, Larry Auberbach, had a unique experience delivering meals to Jeffery Jones and his dog, Grizzly. The volunteer told 11Alive News in Atlanta that Jeffery and Grizzly “have their own special relationship.” Larry loved Grizzly long before Meals on Wheels Atlanta started the pet pantry because he saw how much Grizzly’s companionship meant to Jeffery. Now, Larry enjoys his service that much more since he gets to provide for Jeffery’s beloved pet, as well. On top of delivering food to seniors and their pets, Meals on Wheels Atlanta also delivers pet toys and pet beds, and they are happy to take in any pet-related food or items for donation. The organization says this endeavor was done out of love, not only for the people they serve but also for the whole family —wagging tails, fuzzy whiskers, and all.
It’s a typical spring day in Mansfield. James and Maryanne are driving in their minivan, and they approach an intersection. They have the green light. As their minivan travels into the intersection, they are hit violently from the right. The front of their minivan is smashed, and smoke rises from the wreckage. James and Maryanne are seriously injured and taken to the emergency room. OURMOTORCYCLE S RECIPIENT WINS BI When we put together a giveaway for Motorcycle Safety Month, we had no idea that we’d get to share in a special moment and give one very thoughtful daughter the chance to give the ultimate surprise to her dad. Tracie White immediately thought of her dad when she heard about our big giveaway for Motorcycle Safety Month. He’s a Harley-Davidson fan and a longtime rider. So, Tracie entered the giveaway for him. When we drew names at the end of May, she was overjoyed to find out she’d won the leather bike jacket, and she couldn’t wait to give it to her dad. She knew she wanted to surprise him with the jacket, so she planned a special outing for the big reveal. “I picked him up and told him I wanted to look at Hale’s [Harley-Davidson] for a few minutes, which was easy because he loves it there,” Tracie says. Once they arrived at the store, she got the Hale’s team in on the plan. She asked one of the store associates if they would deliver the jacket to Tracie’s dad and let him know he’d won the Rinehardt Law giveaway.
Of course, Tracie’s dad was amazed and overjoyed to learn he was the recipient of a brand-new Victory Lane leather jacket. “He said ‘Really?’ and I said, ‘Yes, no
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When the police arrive, the driver that crashed into James and Maryanne claims she had the green light and that it was James who ran the red light. The police don’t talk to any witnesses. MILE FOR OUR CLIENTS t to the Truth
The insurance company for the driver that crashed into James and Maryanne denies the claim.
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
No citation. No witnesses. End of story? Not so fast.
1/4 tsp salt
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
Let’s fast forward one month, when James and Maryanne contacted Rinehardt Law. They explained that there were other vehicles traveling at the intersection at the time of the crash. So, the team at Rinehardt Law went to work. To get the truth, sometimes you have to think outside the box. Rinehardt Law made yard signs and put them at the intersection. The signs asked for anyone who witnessed the crash to call our firm. Within two weeks of the signs being up, two other drivers who witnessed the crash contacted Rinehardt Law and were interviewed by our attorneys. The witnesses confirmed that James and Maryanne had the green light. With the witness statements, Rinehardt Law was successful in obtaining a full settlement for James and Maryanne from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. When it comes down to one person’s word against another’s, Rinehardt Law thinks outside the box to get to the truth. Rinehardt law takes the responsibility of protecting our clients and our community seriously. That’s why we go the extra mile. SAFETY GIVEAWAY IG FOR HER DAD
1/2 cup (1 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces
6 tbsp all-purpose flour 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces 1/3 cup chopped pecans (optional) 2 tbsp sugar (use brown sugar if you omit pecans)
2 tbsp sugar
Pinch of salt
4 tbsp (about) ice water
1 cup sour cream
3/4 cup sugar
2 1/2 tbsp all-purpose flour
1 egg, beaten to blend
In a processor, blend flour, butter, sugar, and salt until coarse meal forms. With machine running, add water 1 tbsp at a time until clumps form. Do not over-process. Gather into ball. Flatten to disk. Wrap in plastic; chill until firm, at least 30 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 400 F. Roll out dough on floured surface to 13-inch round. Transfer to 9-inch pie plate. Trim edge to 1/2-inch overhang. Fold edge under and crimp. Freeze 10 minutes. Line crust with foil or parchment; fill with beans or pie weights. Bake until sides are set, about 12 minutes. Remove foil and beans. FOR FILLING: 1. In a medium bowl, mix all ingredients except blueberries. Mix in blueberries. Spoon into crust. Bake until filling is just set, about 25 minutes. FOR TOPPING: 1. While pie is baking, in a medium bowl, mix flour and butter with fingertips until small clumps form. Mix in pecans (if using) and sugar. Spoon topping over pie. Bake until topping browns lightly, about 12 minutes. Cool pie to room temperature.
joke, Dad,’” Tracie says. “He was so surprised. He tried it on, and he had the biggest smile on his face.” Tracie was grateful for the chance to give her dad a meaningful gift. “This means the world to be able to give my dad something nice. He so deserves it. He’s always been very hardworking to provide for our family,” she says. With the rough start we’ve all had to 2020, we wanted this giveaway to be something that brings joy into people’s lives. We’re so happy it did just that for Tracie and her dad. While some things have changed, we can still go out and enjoy a ride on our bikes. Have fun and stay safe out there!
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2404 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, Ohio 44906 419-LAW-2020
Reminiscing About Camp Memories
How Meals on Wheels Atlanta Stepped Up for Its Community Going the Extra Mile for Our Clients Our Motorcycle Safety Giveaway Winner Pays It Forward
Blueberry Sour Cream Pie
The Wacky Evolution of the Knock-Knock Joke
KNOCK KNOCK! WHO’S THERE? The Wacky Evolution of the Knock-Knock Joke
Knock knock! Who’s there? Theresa. Theresa who? Theresa crowd!
style of joke was popular in the early 1900s, and according to an Oakland Tribune article NPR dug up, this was a typical one: Do you know Arthur? Arthur who? Arthurmometer! Not very funny, is it? Well, over the years this style of back-and-forth jesting evolved into knock-knock jokes. The popularity of the “knock knock” bit of the joke could harken back to Shakespeare, who BestLife credits with “the first-known occurrence of a knock knock, who’s-there dialogue” in Act 2 of “Macbeth” (though it likely wasn’t intended to be funny), or it could be a reference to 1936 vice presidential hopeful Frank Knox, whose name made “knock knock” irresistible wordplay for the radio. Whatever the reason, knock knocks were all the rage in the 1930s, to the extent that people formed knock-knock clubs, businesses held
Unless you’re living under a rock, odds are you’ve laughed, grumbled, or groaned in response to a knock-knock joke. You may have even told a few yourself before you realized knock-knock jokes had gone out of style in favor of sarcasm and memes. That’s because at their core, knock-knock jokes are a quintessential American experience — and the perfect homegrown fodder for International Joke Day, which falls on July 1. But where did they come from, and why do so many people knock the knock-knock joke today? Well, according to NPR, knock-knock jokes have had a roller coaster of a history. Near as we can tell, they actually evolved from another kind of joke: the “Do You Know” joke. This
knock-knock contests, and orchestras set them to music. However, the heyday was short-lived. In the following years, people started getting sick of knock knocks, and even psychologists turned against them. According to NPR,
“people who loved knock-knock jokes were said to have social problems.”
Today, knock-knock jokes are still around, but they’re mostly considered a game for kids or demoted to the realm of “bad dad jokes.” Maybe you think that’s warranted, maybe you think it’s tragic — either way, odds are the format will continue to evolve and probably outlive us all!
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