American Consequences - June 2017

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The best things we’re reading from

“What we have today is a global financial system that’s just about as leveraged – and in many cases more leveraged – than before 2008, and I don’t think the financial system is more sound.” - Paul Singer | System May Be More Leveraged Than 2008 , Bloomberg “The simplest way to exterminate the very spirit of capitalism is... to flood the country with notes of high face-value without financial guarantees of any sort.” - Vladimir Lenin, newspaper interview 1919 “You might say investors are taking the greatest amount of risk for the least amount of potential return in history.” - Jesse Felder | Reward-Free Risk, Felder Report

“Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.” - John Maynard Keynes, Economic Consequences of the Peace , 1919 “Without a doubt, this will be one of Trump’s toughest tests, and yes, the Fed can easily take down the stock market in retaliation... It would be as if someone flipped a switch and we veered from Quantitative Pleasing to Quantitative Plaguing.”

across the spectrum.

- Danielle DiMartino Booth | Beware of Central Bankers Bearing Gifts , Fed Up

“But actually nobody borrows money for the sake of the money. We borrow money to get products.

58 | June 2017

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