OUR SERVICES One-to-one bereavement support You can come along and talk to one of the Bereavement Care team in a safe, confidential and private environment. Bereavement wellbeing groups The purpose of groups is to provide a time and place where you will be able to meet with other people who are experiencing the effects of bereavement and will understand something of how you are feeling. The groups meet once a month in different areas. We also offer video call, email or telephone bereavement support. Friendship/Social groups These groups meet socially to help people gain confidence and make new friends after a bereavement. Educational sessions These workshops are aimed at organisations who want to have a better understanding about the funeral process, the stages of grief and how to help or work with bereaved people. The Bereavement Team is available to give talks about all aspects of bereavement and the funeral profession. These educational sessions can take place online or in person.
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