Innovative PT: Is Your Balance Setting You Up for an…

Innovative Newsletter



Improving Balance To Ease Pain

Exercise To Help With Pain

Innovative Practice News

“We May Encounter Many Defeats But We Must Not Be Defeated.” - Maya Angelou Quote of The Month:

Can you do this? • Stand next to a counter, sink or chair barefoot with your hand gently grasping the counter surface. • Put one foot directly in front of the other, so that one heel is touching the opposite toes. • Gently lift your hand up, but keep it close to the counter in case you need to grab it quickly. Try to hold this for 10 seconds (only do this if you feel safe or have someone nearby to help you). • Now try it with your eyes closed. • Do you wobble a lot or even lose your balance? Call us today to discover how we can improve your balance and teach you how to maintain a healthy life.

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You don’t have to be old to have non-optimum balance. In fact, a majority of sports injuries are attributed to not having the right balance reflexes needed to adapt to the surface, causing sprains, strains and other injuries. Our balance and vestibular systems give us the ability to walk on two legs, run and be active. Our balance and vestibular system develops as we grow from a baby all the way through adulthood, and then begins to decline. Most people don’t know their balance is not optimum until they suffer a sports injury, trip and fall, or lose their balance in the shower. No matter what your age, balance affects your ability to be active.


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