reason for the break was given that New Thought did not accept "the Jesus Christ standard” which was defined as "the process o f body refinement . . . by realization o f One ness with the Absolute, plus the renunciation o f such sinful habits as the lust for meat, tobacco, sex, dancing and all the pleasures that exalt sense above the soul.” The fact o f the matter was that the Fillmores were strong- minded individuals who would wear no man’s collar, or woman’s either. They saw the great opportunity o f reaching the virgin territory o f the Middle West with their creed. They had stated as far back as 1897 in their disagreement with the New Thought group: "W e find that concentration is necessary to success.” In 1903 a group o f these so-called Truth students incor porated under the name o f Unity School o f Practical Chris tianity, independent o f all other metaphysical groups. They began to apply modern business methods to the propagation o f their particular views. The name originated in 1891 when Fillmore was meet ing with a group "in the silence.” Suddenly he startled everyone .with the spoken exclamation: "Unity! That’s the name o f our work!” He claimed afterward that it was a revelation to him. It does not refer to the unity o f the Godhead or the unity o f believers as some have thought. With this background, one can readily understand how so much o f the Christian Science terminology got into Unity. Terms such as Mind, Intelligence, Spirit, Love and Life are used in an identical way in both cults. There is little difference in their conception o f God, Christ, the atone ment and all the cardinal teachings o f the W ord o f God. They disagree to some extent on the origin o f man and the material universe. Unity does not g o along with "malicious animal magnetism” by which Christian Science explains the evil in the world. They even point out the inconsistency o f Christian Science in denying the reality o f the human body while at the same time treating it successfully! Dr. Van Baalen says that New Thought, Christian Science and Unity are "as alike as the Dionne quintuplets.” He is right, for they spiritualize every truth in the W ord o f God, making it utterly meaningless; and every person and place in the Scriptures becomes an allegory. They are alike — completely and violently anti-Christian. As we continue with this study, it will become evident that Unity is like Christian Science in its denial o f Christ and His atoning work on Calvary. While Christian Science claims that there is no sin, Unity says one can rise above it by recognizing his oneness with God. In other words, you are your own saviour. They are alike in claiming that the whole matter o f sin can be taken care o f by thinking, that the intellect is supreme. They are equally wrong, equally unscriptural, equally deceptive, equally dangerous. T o choose between them is like the choice the ancient sailors had to make between being dashed to pieces on the rock Scylla on the Italian coast, or being drawn into the whirl- CONTINUED
o f the many dissenters from Eddyism, Emma Curtis Hopkins, who established the Christian Science Seminary in Kansas City where Charles Fillmore (was "ordained” in 1890 . The Fillmores put out a publication in 1889 called Modern Thought which was a hodge-podge o f all the isms then prevalent: Rosicrucianism, Transcendentalism, New Thought, Spiritualism, Theosophy and o f course, Christian Science. But it was not a success for the very reason that it had no definite creed and nothing concrete to propagate. New Thought was a break away from Mrs. Eddy’s dicta torship. The Christian Science Meeting at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago did not acknowledge Mrs. Eddy as their leader. The Fillmores were not in favor with Mrs. Eddy because o f statements they had made in their publica tion. In the June 1, 1889 issue Charles Fillmore ran an article which had great influence upon the metaphysical groups then struggling for power. It was entitled "Truth Bows at N o Human Shrine,” and this clause was taken to be an answer to Mrs. Eddy: "N o man nor woman, nor angel or archangel, has a copyright on Truth.” This insubordi nation o f the Fillmores had much to do with their final break with Christian Science. eanwhile the Fillmores wavered for some years |% / I in their loyalty to the New Thought Movement. I I They withdrew in 1906; returned; then in 1915 ▼ -& » they made a public statement that they were not a part o f either New Thought or Christian Science. Con cessions were made to them, for already they had a follow ing, and they returned to the New Thought fold until 1922, when their relation was severed permanently. The About the Author Australian-born Dr. Louis T. Talbot has for years been one o f America’s strongest proclaimers o f evangelical Chris tianity. He is a noted writer (10 books; numerous pamph lets and magazine articles), pastor (fo r 20 years at the Church o f the Open Door in Los Angeles) and educator (long-time president, now chancellor, o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles and Talbot Theological Seminary). Dr. Talbot and his researchers have made a wide study o f cults and false religions. For years he has presented his illustrated sermons on this subject to audiences the world over. This special series for T he K ing ’ s B usiness is believed to be one of. the most complete and certainly the most up-to-date work on the subject. The articles will run for approximately the next nine months. Should readers care to have a friend or loved one follow this series orders should be sent immediately, specifying that subscription is to start with the October issue. Also state if gift card is to be sent and if so how it is to be signed. Price is $2.50 per year. Address: T he K ing ’ s B usiness , 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.
O C TO B ER , 1955
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