King's Business - 1955-10

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3 L R J ea By Martha Snell Nicholson

When the children of Israel crossed the Sea It comforts my heart to know That there must have been many timorous ones Who faltered and feared to go; Feared the ribbon of road which stretched Ahead like a narrow track, With the waves piled high on either side, And nothing to hold them back— Nothing to hold them back but a Hand They could neither see nor feel. 5 o f ( j o d ’â C l i t By Martha Snell Nicholson Do not fret, God lives yet. Do not try to understand Only rest, That is best In the shadow of His hand. A question arose in school today, “ Is segregation fair?” I knew but one way to answer this, I went to God in prayer. Now God created the sun and moon And we were part of His plan. Did color present a problem to Him When He created man? We’ve never argued our size or shape Or whether we’re big or small, So why should we argue about our shade I’m sure He loves us all. Q J \ -Â , n s w e r By Elayne Tedder

Their God seemed distant and far away, And only the peril real. Yet the fearful ones were as safe as the brave, For the mercy of God is wide. Craven and fearless, He led them all Dry shod to the other side. And I think of the needless terror and pain We bring to our own Red Sea. Strengthen Thy timorous ones, dear Lord, And help us to trust in Thee! By Martha Snell Nicholson The town is dark and still below, The moon is soft and white; A view of a star, midst a softened glow, Is a lovely scene at night. In the stillness of night, I realize The smallness of my cares; While God above, with seeing eyes, With me this beauty shares. ZJrusting By Elayne Tedder You ask how you learn to trust Him? Dear child, you must just let go! Let go of your frantic worry And the fears which plague you so; Let go of each black tomorrow Which you try to live today, Let go of your fevered planning; He knoweth all your way. Fear not lest your slipping fingers Let go of your Saviour too, Trusting is only knowing H e’11 not let go of you! THE KING'S BUSINESS S t d L neâô o f m

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101 new and beautiful, titled, hymn slides in natural, full-color. These are authentic pictures of the Holy Land, attractively lettered with favorite hymns of the Church. Must be seen to be appreciated. To send for sample slide on approval, together with list of hymn and scene titles, write to: PALESTINE HYMN SLIDES, JUANITA STUDIOS 92 North Los Robles Ave., Pasadena 1, Calif. 24

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