King's Business - 1955-10

Every morning over the Bible Institute Hour (46 stations) Milre Lisso introduced "Lamp Unto My Feet" feature and read poetry and Scripture for radio listeners.


A New Voice In Costa Rica A n American tourist in Latin take up a new work as a full-time missionary in Latin America.

estant chaplain at the Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall. About 20 hours a week were spent in coun­ seling and supervising Bible classes. And while at B io l a she counseled many other young people and ad­ vised yearbook editors for two years. With this background she is well- equipped to present the claims of Christ to both Spanish young peo­ ple and radio listeners. END. THE KING'S BUSINESS

America may someday turn on the radio and hear a familiar voice. Only this time the message will be in Spanish. Milre Lisso, an energetic, young speech teacher at B iola often read poetry and Scripture over the Bible Institute Hour and Accent on Youth radio broadcasts. But this September after three years of teaching she left Los Angeles to 28

For one year she will be attend­ ing the Latin American Mission’s language school in San Jose, Costa Rica. Her tentative assignment for the mission will be to work with their radio station TIFC, teach in the seminary and do youth work. This sounds like a busy schedule, but Miss Lisso is no novice in this field. She has served as girl’s Prot­

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