King's Business - 1955-10

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B O O K R E V I E W S All recommended books may be obtained from the Biola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif. The Prophecies of Daniel By Louis T. Talbot This is the third edition of Dr. Talbot’s radio lectures on the Book of Daniel “ in the light of past, pres­ ent and future events.” The work is premillennial and dispensational as would be expected both from the au­ thor’s long ministry of Bible teach­ ing and his position as President and currently Chancellor of the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles, Inc. These pages show how God has out­ lined the course of Gentile world power from its beginning in Nebu­ chadnezzar to its conclusion in the Man of Sin, the Antichrist. God’s dealings with His ancient people Is­ rael are also followed through the centuries of Gentile dominion to the restoration of the kingdom at the ad­ vent of Christ. The student of Dan­ iel w ill find this a most helpful hand­ book. An excellent chart is attached to the inside front cover. Some 30 questions and answers on the book and its problems conclude the work. 234 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.50. Poems of a Lifetime By Oswald J. Smith The well-known pastor of the Peo­ ple’s Church, Toronto, Ont., has com­ piled this volume of verse written over the period of his lifetime. A ll the devotional subjects are represented here and many of the activities and experiences of the Christian life are reflected. The collector of Christian poetry w ill cherish this attractive book. The titles are indexed for quick reference. 192 pages; cloth; Van Kampen Press, Wheaton, 111.; $2.50. Commentary on the Epistle to the Homans By Martin Luther The great reformer presented these lectures to his students at the Uni­ versity of Wittenberg in Saxony, Ger­ many, two years before he startled the world with his 95 theses on in­ dulgences. Luther’s Romans, as here presented, “ is a digest rather than a complete, scholarly edition. Its pur­ pose is to render the most important thoughts” of the original writer. The translation from the German is by J. Theodore Mueller, Professor of Christian Doctrine and New Testa­

FAMOUS HYMNS W IT H STORIES AND PICTURES by Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall The only book which brings ' together fa­ mous hymns, their musical score, the story of each hymn, a masterpiece or art closely a sso cia te d with the hymn and the story of the pic­ ture and artist. Also an interesting history of hym nology. A beautiful and fasci­ nating volume. $1.50 FAMOUS B IBLE PICTUBES and Stories They T ell by Elizabeth Hubbard Bonsall

ment Exegesis, Concordia Theological Seminary. 207 pages; cloth; Zonder­ van Publishing House, Grand Rapids, M ich .; $2.95. When God Was Man By J. B. Phillips As in all of his writings, the reader w ill find much that is fresh and challenging in this small book from the pen of the V icar of St. John’s Church, Redhill, Surrey, just south of London. His variance with the fu ll evangelical position can be seen, how­ ever, in his insistence that God is the Father of all in his chapter, “ Christ’s Father and Ours.” 62 pages; cloth; Abingdon Press, New York; $1.00. The Divine Economy By Alphin Carl Conrad This study in stewardship is based in large part on a doctoral disser­ tation presented by the author to the faculty of Central Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City. It is well doc­ umented and reveals a wide fam iliar­ ity with the literature of the field. The author, now a faculty member at Bethel College and Seminary, St. Paul, Minn., takes up the stewardship of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit and then the stewardship of the believer. This theology of stewardship may be used along with the practical presentations of the subject found in such large numbers. 169 pages; cloth; Wm . B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.; $2.50. The Third Person By Lehman Strauss These seven devotional studies on the person and work of the H oly Spir­ it in His personal relationship to be- lievers were presented to the Calvary Baptist Church, Bristol, Penn., by the pastor during the Fall of 1949. Those who are seeking the Spirit-led life w ill be greatly blessed and edified in the reading of this volume. The foot­ notes appear to be limited to Scrip­ ture references, all of which w ill prove helpful to the thoughtful read­ er. The chapters are headed “ The Lordship,” “ The Life,” “ The Lead­ ing,” “ The Liberty,” “ The Love,” “ The Limiting” and “ The Luxuries of the Spirit.” An index of Scripture texts and a bibliography are included. 190 pages; cloth; Loizeaux Brothers, THE KING'S BUSINESS

Fifty famous pic­ tu res by the world's greatest a rtis ts with a story about each picture and study- questions. A grand way to tea ch children. Beauti­ fully bound with a fu ll-c o lo r re- p ro d u ctio n of "The Nativity" on the cover. 125 pages. $1.50

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