King's Business - 1955-10

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued ically sick. He is ready and willing to help you if you need a Saviour or if your body needs to be made well. Nov. 13, 1955 Principles to Live By Luke 6:27-38 Pointers on the Lesson There are many who think that the Sermon on the Mount is the constitution for the millennial kingdom. The writer is inclined to agree with this view. The King was present and doubtless would have ascended the throne but He was re­ jected and so His kingdom has not yet been established. But having offered Him­ self as King, it was fitting that the consti­ tution that would regulate His kingdom should be given. It is good to know what is in prospect. Even though this consti­ tution may not be applicable now in the fullest sense, yet certainly there are prin­ ciples emphasized here that are applicable for God’s children at any time. Therefore it is our duty to study these principles carefully. The Principle of Love vv. 27-29, 32-36 The principle of love, as enforced by Jesus at this point, has a far wider out­ reach than most people think. It sounds the death knell of hatred. Most folks love their friends to a degree at least but it does not occur to them that they ought also to love their enemies. That is exactly what Christ did and His followers ought to be like Him. Instead of hatred toward man’s enemies Jesus teaches that there ought to be good treatment of them (v. 27) violence (v. 29). How do you measure up thus far? The Principle of Unselfishness vv. 39, 31, 38 This portion may have special applica­ tion in the millennial kingdom when begging and poverty will not be nearly so prevalent as now, but surely the Christian ought to give something to those coming to him in need. Maybe it will not be wise to give what is asked. For instance, it would not be wise to give a man money who asked for it if it was evident that that man would spend it for drink. But something better could be given — food, clothing, the Word of God, the gospel. The Golden Rule has unselfishness as its basis. And who can be selfish who is a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ? Tha Principle of Uncensoriousness v. 37 Note that the matter of moral judg­ ment is discussed here. It is our responsi­ bility to point out sin and condemn it. We must do this if we are faithful to God’s Word. Such judgment is always good. Our Lord condemned the Pharisees because they had failed to exercise “ judg­ ment” (Matt. 23:23). In the light of the context, verse 37 teaches that we should not be guilty of censorious Judgment, that is, condemning our fellow men because of “motes” (v. 41) while we have “ beams” 28)


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