King's Business - 1955-10

Christian f duration

“ The T a b e r n a c l e .” D r. DeH aan’s latest, reveals m any w on­ derful truths which the Tabernacle sym ­ bolized— t h e w o r k and person o f the Saviour, type o f the b e l ie v e r a n d t h e whole plan o f sal­ v a t io n . 24 brim ­ m in g chapters — in­ spiring m essages on an inexhaustible sub­ ject. $2.50

Elmer L. W ild e r, T h .D .

Illustrated by G ladys Bowman

Dr. DeHaan, the author

custom: and he said unto him, Fol­ low me.” Looking closely, you w ill notice that there is the word “ Follow .” Did you ever wonder what it takes to fol­ low Jesus? Perhaps if we unfold this paper we shall see. The first word we find is “ Faith.” Faith in Christ caused Levi to follow Him. The next word is “ Obedience.” God’s call must be obeyed if anyone is to follow Him. As we further open the paper, we see that “ Love” enters into those follow ing Christ. “ Loyalty” is the fourth word which we discover. Have you noticed that the “ U ” is get­ ting smaller? As we follow Christ, self decreases. “ Oneness” is the next word showing us more of what it means to follow Christ. This means to agree with Him in all things. The last word is “W illingness.” Notice that the “ U ” is entirely gone and the cross of Christ takes its place. Today we need to get rid of self and, like Levi, follow Christ. Nov. 13, 1955 M e a s u r i n g M e n OBJECTS: A yardstick, a red cardboard cross one yard high, two pictures of men cut from a catalogue, a church letter, a baptismal certificate, a dic­ tionary and a piece of paper on which is printed “ God’s Perfect Standard.” LESSON: What are yardsticks for? “ To measure things and be sure they are right.” D id you know that God measures people? W e w ill lean this yardstick against the wall and thumbtack God’s perfect standard above it. Now we w ill place these men at the foot of the yardstick and see if they reach God’s perfect standard. They do not come anywhere near it. W e w ill let them stand on a dic­ tionary, reminding us of learning, but CONTINUED

Nov. 6, 1955 F o l l o w i n g t h e L e a d e r

The Tabernacle THE HOUSE OF BLOOD Other Books by Dr. DeHaan Simon Peter—Sinner and Saint $2.50 Signs of the Times .------------- $2.00 The Jew and Palestine in Prophecy ...................................$2.00 Revelation -------- $2.50 Broken Things ------ $1.50 The Chemistry of the Blood — ¿..$2.00 The Second Coming of Jesus ...— $2.50 Daniel the Prophet l —--------------- $3.00 Adventures in Faith (Abraham) $2.50 508 Answers to Bible Questions $3.00 At all religious bookstores or f -j d ¿condemn PUBLISHING HOUSE G R A N D R A P I D S 6 , M I C H I G A N\

OBJECT: A piece of white paper 8 ^/2 x 11 inches. (Fold in the middle, making the size 8 ^ /2 x W ith the fold to the right, print the word “ Fol­ low ” to the left of the fold with the letters about 1% inches apart. Use a purple crayon. Between this and the left side of the paper, print a large “ U ” which reaches from near the top to near the bottom. Use a green cray­ on. Turn the paper inside out. Again print the word “ Follow ” in the same

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EVERYTHING o u r S u n d a y S c h o o l N « ÿ s 1S , N t h e N E W ¡C R IP T U R E P R E S S . e n e r a l C a t a l o g » o r 1 9 5 6 « b i t e f o e v o u r ^ ^ . 1 ) F R E E C O P Y • • ' KBC-105 I

relative position to the left of the fold, using a purple crayon. To the left, in the relative position of the “ U ,” draw a red cross, reaching from top to bottom. Open the paper with the red cross facing up apd use the letters in the word “ Follow ” as the initial letters in the follow ing words, which should be completed to the right of the fold: “ Faith, Obedience, Love, Loyalty, Oneness and W illingness.” Use a purple crayon. Fold the right half of the paper back over the red cross. Cut horizontally through the “ U” and between the letters of the word “ Follow ” from the left side of the paper to the fold. Begin the lesson with “U ” and the word “ Follow” showing.) LESSON: W e w ill let this “ U ” remind us of Levi, the man whom the Lord Jesus called to follow Him. In Luke 5:27, we read: “ And after these things he went forth, and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting at the receipt of

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prayer Each morning at eight the editorial staff o f King’s Business magazine gathers for prayer. Over the years God has answered the heartcry o f thousands. Should you have a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the throne o f grace. Your request will be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Editors, King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif.

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O C TO B ER , 1955

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