King's Business - 1955-10

"Just what \ fV e always wanted ••• \




Sirs: T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess is the finest magazine published today in my opinion. W e are very unfortunate here in the old country; there is a very poor selection over here. I don’t know of any monthly magazine here that would help any believer and their Sunday school lessons are most­ ly fu ll of modernism. Gonrock, Renfrewshire, Peter McWhinnie Scotland AUGUST ISSUE Sirs; You have done a splendid job in presenting the positive side of the gospel (Aug. issue). However, a little more attention should have been giv­ en to the subject of sin. It is our belief that people must be convicted of sin in order to see their need of salvation. Lincoln, Neb. Ernest E. Lott Associate Editor Good News Broadcaster Sirs: I believe that one basic question needs to be asked. What is the pri­ mary purpose of your magazine— to evangelize the unsaved or to provide solid theological and practical Chris­ tian reading for those who already understand the basic issues of the faith . . . ? Altadena, Calif. David Carver Both. However, the August issue was planned 100% to present the claims of Christ to the non-Christian. —ED. Sirs: Congratulations on your August is­ sue. It is a masterpiece— and I don’t hesitate to use a word that strong in describing it. Glendale Larry Ward Director of Research and Sirs: W e wish to congratulate you on an excellent piece of work— both copy and layout-wise. It is superb. Winona Lake, Indiana Edna Evans Sirs: You are’ to be congratulated for a meaty, yet attractive issue. It does a wonderful job of presenting the claims of Christ. It w ill be our prayer that the Lord w ill rich ly bless its message to the hearts of thousands o f men and women, boys and girls. Chicago, III. David R. Enlow Director of Publications CBMC International Teacher Training Gospel Light Press Advertising Manager Light and Life Press


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O C TO B ER , 1955

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