
Inside Cover A — March 27 - April 9, 2015 — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


8:00 AM Development Forecasts for the next 10 years • Forecasting the next 10 years of metro development: Modeling for site selection and development planning. • A fast paced overview of the key tools that you will need as you prepare for your next development • A Developers Tool Kit for 2015 • Development Opportunities that will change the face of New Jersey 8:50 AM Residential Builder and Developer Update • Evaluating land prices: Where they were, Where they are at andWhere are they going • What is the market for raw land and what does the deal need to look like today • What are the builders buying and why • How are land deals structured today and how is it different from the boom • What future opportunities exist 9:40 AM Break 9:50 AM How to EffectivelyWorkWith Municipalities • Annexation of parcels into cities • How cities our effectively working with builders to fast track the approval process • How are municipalities effectively working with home builders and commercial developers to spur growth • What are cities doing to attract investment in their communities 10:40 AMMarket Update • Inventory status • Current and future absorption • Land values: Where are they now and where are they headed • How does New Jersey’s Economic Growth+ stack up to the rest of the United States • Interest rates and other economic conditions affecting consumer confidence 11:10 AMWhat are the Opportunities for Commercial Development • What new opportunities for development are happening right now • What types of projects are in consideration for land development? • What needs to happen to get the market moving? Or do we have to wait until after the election • What are the challenges with land development vs. redevelopment? • Who is active in the market place and what is their risk tolerance and expected returns 12:00 PM Adjourn & Networking

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