Real Estate Journal — Green Buildings — March 27 - April 9, 2015 — 27B
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Letter from the Director
Dear Friends and Colleagues: I would like to share with you some news and resources on the green building Advocacy front. As you may know, USGBC NJ actively engages the NJ State legislature and Commissioners of various State departments on the economic benefits of green building and of current green building efforts in New Jersey. In 2014, USGBC NJ actively met with New Jersey state legislators, State House staff, members of the Departments and the Governor’s office. Throughout 2014, USGBC-NJ had 15 meetings with over 19 high level officials.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Faith Taylor Wyndham Worldwide VICE CHAIR Zach Gallagher, PE, LEED AP Natural Systems Utilities TREASURER Gregg Woodruff, PP, AICP, LEED-AP BD+C Langan Engineering & Environmental
BOARD OF DIRECTORS CHAIR Faith Taylor Wyndham Worldwide VICE CHAIR Zach Gallagher, PE, LEED AP Natural Systems Utilities TREASURER Gregg Woodruff, PP, AICP, LEED-AP BD+C Langan Engineering & Environmental I IR Faith Taylor Wyndha World ide IC C IR Zach al agher, P , L A atural Syste s Utilities T reg Wo druf , P , AIC , L - BD+ Langan Engine ring & Environ ental ervices, Inc. SECR T avid De os, AIA, L A rudential Real Estate Investors IM IAT P T C IR d Seliga dvanced Solar Products, Inc. IRECTO S Jim Cor igan, L A O+ ack-Cali Realty Corp . Timothy J. De aut, Esq., L A iordano, Hal eran & Ciesla J Don el y, C , L A + on el y Industries, Inc. aron Kalisher, C , C , L A hub Insurance Tracey Kasper, L A vison Young ance Merol a, .E. olgate- almolive Co pany na Meyer, L A , M erizon Wireles Jed Richardson, L Gre n As ociate Johnson & Johnson icole Rodriguez, L A Turner Construction Co pany aniel Top ing, AIA, L A B + N Architects GE L C L Har y E. McLel an, Esq, L A B + cLel an & As ociates, L TIV DIR T Florence Block, L Gre n As ociate T C IN T ary El en Gar igus IC TIO /M IP IN T edea Vil eré Services, Inc. SECRETARY David DeVos, AIA, LEED AP Prudential Real Estate Investors IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR Ed Seliga Advanced Solar Products, Inc. DIRECTORS Jim Corrigan, LEED AP O+M Mack-Cali Realty Corp . Timothy J. DeHaut, Esq., LEED AP Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla RJ Donnelly, CRM, LEED AP BD+C Donnelly Industries, Inc. Aaron Kalisher, CSP, CBCP, LEED AP Chubb Insurance Tracey Kasper, LEED AP Avison Young Vance Merolla, P.E. Colgate-Palmolive Company Ana Meyer, LEED AP, MBA Verizon Wireless Jed Richardson, LEED Green Associate Johnson & Johnson Nicole Rodriguez, LEED AP Turner Construction Company Daniel Topping, AIA, LEED AP BD+C NK Architects GENERAL COUNSEL Harry E. McLellan, Esq, LEED AP BD+C McLellan & Associates, LLC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Florence Block, LEED Green Associate CHAPTER COORDINATOR Mary Ellen Garrigus COMMUNICATIONS/MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Medea Villeré
Services, Inc. SECRETARY We recently updated our Advocacy Committee page ( advocacy-committee) with the following policy and advocacy-related info & resources: • Better Buildings, Better Policy: A compilation of green building policy adoptions in the United States, 2011-2014 • LEED Brief: State and Local Public Buildings Brief 2014 • LEED-related Legislation in NJ: alphabetical by town/ agency In addition, the US’s General Services Administration (GSA) is now seeking public comment (http:// on its 2014 report which determined that LEED v4 aligns better than ever with Federal green building requirements. GSA is also asking for input on questions about GSA’s process for reviewing green building certification systems, whether GSA should emphasize certain credits, and how the federal agencies can be involved in developing and supporting such systems. Please consider taking a moment to let GSA know you support LEED v4 ( Feel free to check our Advocacy Committee page and our Advocacy News (http://www. page for regular updates. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions about our advocacy work, or USGBC NJ in general, at (973) 290-0013, or
David DeVos, AIA, LEED AP Prudential Real Estate Investors IMMEDIATE PAST CHAI Ed Seliga Advanced Solar Products, I c.
1,395 327 4,873 948 387 2,625+ GENERAL COUNSEL Harry E. McLellan, Esq, LEED AP BD+C McLellan & Associates, LLC EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Florence Block, LEED G een Associ te CHAPTER COORDINATOR Mary Ellen Garrigus COMMUNICATIONS/MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Medea Villeré DIRECTORS Jim Corrigan, LEED AP O+M Mack-Cali Realty Corp . Timothy J. DeHaut, Esq., LEED AP Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla RJ Donnelly, CRM, LEED AP BD+C Donnelly Industries, Inc. Aaron Kalisher, CSP, CBCP, LEED AP Chubb Insurance Tracey Kasper, LEED AP Avison Young Vance Merolla, P.E. Colgate-Palmolive Compan Ana Meyer, LEED AP, MBA Verizon Wireless Jed Richardson, LEED Green Associate Johnson & Johnson Nicole Rodriguez, LEED AP Turner Construction Company Daniel Topping, AIA, LEED AP BD+C NK Architects
Florence Block, LEED Green Associate Executive Director, USGBC-NJ
Chapter Events
4/10/15 - LEED 201: v4 Core Concepts & Strategies + LEED Green Associate Exam Prep - 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM. Via WEBINAR or In-Person at the Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, 33 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ. 6/22/15 - USGBC NJ 12th Annual Golf Outing- New Jersey National Golf Club, Basking Ridge, NJ 10/30/15 - USGBC NJ 13th Annual Emerald Awards Gala - LEED Certified Conference Center, Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ We will also be holding additional trainings & events, including webinars. For details on all USGBC NJ events, visit
Number of New Jersey chapter members: Number of USGBC member Companies in NJ: Number of LEED Accredited Professionals in NJ: Number of LEED registered projects in NJ: Number of LEED certified projects in NJ:
LEED Homes certified in NJ:
US Green Building Council New Jersey Chapter 14 Maple Avenue, Suite 201 Morristown, New Jersey 07960
US Green Building Council New Jersey Chapter 14 Maple Avenue, Suite 201 Morristown, New Jersey 07960 S Gr B il i g C cil N J rs y C t r 14 Maple Avenue, Suite 201 Mor isto n, Ne Jersey 07960
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