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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 CONSULTATION SUR L’ÉDUCATION Parents, élèves, éducateurs, organismes concernés et tout autre acteur communautaire sont invités à participer à une consultation sur l’éducation, mise en place par le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Onta- rio. Pour y participer, il suffit de remplir un formulaire de soumission de commentaires, répondre au sondage en ligne ou participer à une des séances de forum télépho- nique qui auront lieu dans plusieurs régions au cours des prochaines semaines. Pour s’inscrire, les participants doivent aller sur la page https://www.ontario.ca/fr/page/au- service-des-parents. La date limite pour y participer est le 15 décembre prochain. “GET YOUR FLU SHOT” SAYS LOCAL HEALTH UNIT The Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU) is urging local residents to get their flu shots. “You need to get immunized every year to be protected because the viruses that cause the flu do change frequently,” explained Dr. Paul Roumeliotis, Medical Officer of Health. “The flu can cause serious illness and even death for some people.” The flu shot is available at various locations throughout the five Eastern Counties and Cornwall, including through healthcare providers, community health centres, participating phar- macies and at the Eastern Ontario Health Unit (EOHU). To find out more about the flu and the flu shot, visit www.ontario.ca/flu. The EOHU will offer the flu shot by appointment at all its offices. Call 613-933-1375 or 1 800 267-7120 to book an appointment. – Francis Racine CORRECTION Une erreur s’est glissée dans l’article intitulé La magie de Noël au Festival de Noël de Casselman publié dans le numéro du 8 novembre du Reflet-News. On y indique que le spectacle de la chanteuse country Guylaine Tanguay se tiendra sur la scène du grand chapiteau. C’est plutôt à la salle du Complexe J.R. Brisson qu’aura lieu ce spectacle. – Caroline Prévost
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Tribune-Express, Martin Roy, Drouin’s as- sistant, forwarded the MP’s concern that Lemieux’s petition does not follow the proper procedure for members of the public to file petitions to Parliament. Access to the petition is through Lemieux’s website which is authorized by the GPR Conservative riding association and the petition also asks those who sign it if they want to be volunteers. The concern from Drouin’s office is the petition may be a tactic to collect names and emails of people in the riding for addition to a future election campaign contacts list. During a followup phone interview Tuesday morning, Lemieux explained that he had not planned to present the MP’s office with the petition once all the signatures were tallied up. “There are many different kinds of petition,” Lemieux said, adding that his did not conform to the guidelines set by Parliament for a public petition to the House of Commons. “The aim of this petition is to allow people in our riding a chance to express their sup- port for farmers in our riding,” he said, adding that MPs are able to make statements in Parliament on any topic in response to their constituents’ concerns. “There are many ways to make peoples’ voices heard.” Lemieux also denied that the petition set up through his website is meant to help build up a future election campaign contacts list. i/P UIFJOUFOUPGUIFBET*QMBDFEJO newspapers and the brochures I mailed out to farmers and their families and others is to inform them and to allow them to express their opinion,” he said. “The local MP has really let them down.” Lemieux predicted that the planned federal carbon tax will also have a serious impact on the farm sector. “Small business will be hit the most,” he said. “All those farms are small businesses. The Liberals really are letting our farmers down in a big way.” Saint-Albert », a expliqué le président du comité organisateur Rock Landry. Par la même occasion, la campagne de financement du projet sera lancée. L’objectif sera de recueillir 200 000 $, mais « natu- rellement, si on peut en ramasser plus, tant mieux », a indiqué M. Landry. Ce monument devrait voir le jour officiel- MFNFOUMFTFQUFNCSF Il sera situé sur le terrain de la Froma- gerie Saint-Albert, près de l’endroit où se tient chaque année le Festival de la Curd. Celui-ci s’ajoutera à la série provinciale de JOTUBMMBUJPOTRVJPGGSFOUMPDDBTJPOÆ la communauté francophone ontarienne d’exprimer son identité, son appartenance et sa fierté. Une centaine de personnes sont atten- dues lors du lancement du projet Monument de la francophonie Saint-Albert et la région, RVJBVSBMJFVÆøIøMFOPWFNCSF au Centre communautaire de Saint-Albert. Toute la communauté est d’ailleurs invitée à y assister.
Conservative candidate Pierre Lemieux says farmers in Glengarry-Prescott- Russell feel betrayed by the federal government over the new free trade agreement. He’s collecting signatures for a petition which he plans to present to MP Francis Drouin and Parliament. “I know that people support local farmers and their families,” said Lemieux during an JOUFSWJFXPWFSUIF/PWFNCFSXFFLFOE adding there is a sense of “betrayal” among farmers and others in the Glengarry-Prescott- Russell riding, over Canada’s actions during negotiations for the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). 5IF64.$"XJMMSFQMBDFUIF/PSUI"NFSJ - DBO'SFF5SBEF"HSFFNFOU /"'5" PODF Congress, Parliament, and the Mexican leg- islature have all ratified the new continental trade agreement. Canadian negotiators allowed for some concessions in the agreement to American dairy imports in return for maintaining the existing all-party dispute review clause of /"'5" BT QBSU PG UIF64.$" BOE BMTP protecting Canadian media from potential hostile takeovers by American corporations. “It’s evident that they (Canadian govern- ment) have sacrificed dairy, egg, and chicken farmers,” said Lemieux. “Those farmers are very upset.” 8JUIBTTJTUBODFGSPN$POTFSWBUJWF.1 Guy Lauzon of Stormont-Dundas-Glengarry, Lemieux has launched a petition project, with notices on his own campaign website, ads in local media and a brochure mail-out, explaining the purpose of the petition and asking for signatures. “There was a wave of signatures after the newspaper ads came out,” said Lemieux, “and a second wave after the brochures went out.” He noted that the current rotating postal strike has delayed the arrival of brochures in some parts of the riding but he is not worried about that, as the petition project is just getting underway. “I haven’t done a tally yet, but people are concerned,” he said, adding that he will present the petition to Parliament at a later date. %VSJOHBOJOUFSWJFX/PWFNCFS .1%S - ouin said he is willing to forward a petition to Parliament whenever Lemieux presents it
to his office. He has received local feedback about the impact of the USMCA on Canada’s farm sector. “Obviously dairy took a hit,” he said. “They (dairy farmers) are not happy about that and I understand. But I still do believe that the agricultural sector here will be strong.” Drouin also expressed scepticism about how much actual worth Lemieux’s project will have, unless the former Conservative MP regains his seat as the GPR representative in the next federal election. “If he’s not promising to repeal the USMCA, then it’s just an empty promise,” said Drouin regarding the petition. “But I’ll be happy to present it to Parliament.” In a follow-up phone call to the Prescott-Russell recueille des signatures d’agriculteurs et d’autres personnes de la circonscription dans une pétition. —archives Pierre Lemieux soutient que le gouvernement canadien a trahi les agriculteurs de l’est de l’Ontario et du reste du pays en acceptant les modalités de l’Accord États-Unis- Mexique-Canada, qui remplacera l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain. Le candidat conservateur de Glengarry-
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CAROLINE PRÉVOST caroline.prevost@eap.on.ca
Après Embrun, c’est au tour de Saint- Albert de mettre en œuvre son propre projet de monument de la francophonie. Depuis l’été dernier, une équipe compo- sée de neuf membres de la communauté a DPNNFODÊÆNJKPUFSDFUUFJEÊF&UDFTUMF 22 novembre prochain que le projet Monu- ment de la francophonie Saint-Albert et la région sera officiellement lancé. Pour l’occasion, Jacques Meilleur, l’artiste- concepteur choisi par le comité organisateur, dévoilera l’esquisse du monument grâce à une présentation illustrée et explicative. Les éléments du monument exposeront les jalons historiques, économiques, ins- titutionnels et culturels de Saint-Albert et de la région. « On veut parler de notre petit coin de pays, de notre économie, de nos institutions, de notre agriculture, de l’éducation, de la religion. On veut parler de l’historique de
Célébrons 45 ans ensemble Historique du CLUB JOIE DE VIVRE 50+ de 1973 à 2018 présidences
1973-1977 Osias Maheu 1977-1980 Dollard Roy 1980-1984 Urgel Martel 1984-1986 Régina Maheu
1986-1991 Solange Gagné 1991-1994 Gérald Roy 1994-2002 Florence Roy 2002-2007 Cécile Desjardins
2007-2013 Camille Piché 2013-2015 Lorraine Dicaire 2015-2017 Micheline Grégoire 2017-présent Jean-Yves Otis
1973 - Fondation du Club des soixante-cinq ans 1980 - Obtention d’une salle au Centre Récréatif 1984 - Club des soixante-cinq ans devient Club Joie de Vivre 2002 - Le Club rajeunit et devient Club Joie de Vivre 50+
2007 - Incorporation, nouvelle bannière et retouche au logo 2008 - Rénovation complète de la salle du Club Joie de Vivre 50+ 2018 - Près de 500 membres
Merci à tous les nombreux bénévoles qui, au fil des ans, ont permis de poursuivre l’œuvre des fondateurs.
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