

Forced Road homeowners in the Village of Russell won’t be forced to accept without comment any option offered them for connecting to the Russell Township municipal water system. Township council chose to postpone final reading and approval of a water servicing bylaw for the neighbourhood until residents have been informed of all the options now available. “Communication is key,” said Councillor Jamie Laurin near the end of a lengthy discussion about the Forced Road water servicing bylaw and report, presented to UPXOTIJQDPVODJMEVSJOHJUT/PWFNCFSNFF - ting. “Before I vote, I want the residents to be aware of any changes,” added councillor Cindy Saucier. Both councillors expressed concern several times during the evening about a late addition to the administration report on the proposed water servicing bylaw. The addition to the report dealt with a new option, proposed along with several others for homeowners to choose from, to decide if and when they wanted their houses hooked up to the municipal water system. All of the other options had been presented and explained to homeowners during a past public information meeting on the matter. Laurin noted that a new public information

Les propriétaires dans le secteur du chemin Forced du village de Russell sont mécontents des options concernant le branchement et le paiement du service d’eau municipal, prévues dans le projet de règlement sur le service d’eau présenté au conseil du canton pour approbation. Le conseil a reporté le vote sur le règlement proposé pour permettre à l’administration d’envoyer des lettres d’information à tous les propriétaires du chemin Forced, les informant de toutes les options maintenant disponibles. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

session should have been scheduled first, to present all the options available now to residents concerning connecting and paying for hookups to the municipal service, and then the final version of both the report and bylaw presented to council for review BOEBQQSPWBMi8FSFEPJOHUIJTCBDLXBSET u

Laurin said. Mayor Pierre Leroux agreed with the concerns of both councillors that Forced Road residents did not have a chance to be involved in the full process of planning the bylaw. “It’s almost like changing goal posts in the middle of a game,” he said.

Mayor Leroux agreed, saying that all options for the water servicing bylaw must be available for review and comment first, before approval. Council voted to defer the bylaw to a later date to allow administration to send out information letters to all Forced Road homeowners.


2019 Budget Public Consultation Township residents and community groups are invited to take part in a discussion regarding the 2019 budget on Wednesday, December 5, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at 717 Notre-Dame Street, Embrun (Town Hall). Take this opportunity to share your ideas and views on current and future needs of the Township in preparation for the upcoming budget. Consultation publique sur le budget 2019 Les résidents et les groupes communautaires du canton sont invités à participer à une discussion concernant le budget 2019 qui se tiendra le mercredi 5 décembre 2018 à 19 h au 717 rue Notre-Dame, Embrun (Hôtel de Ville). Profitez de cette occasion pour partager vos idées et vos points de vue sur les besoins actuels et futurs du canton en prévision du prochain budget. INFO: Joanne Camiré Laflamme Clerk / Greffière

The new Progressive Conservative government will repeal the Green Energy Act, which is good news to two mayors in Prescott-Russell, where there was strong community opposition to pro- posed solar and wind farm projects. “I think it’s a good thing,” said Mayor 'SBOÉPJT4U"NPVSPG5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZ  expressing doubt about whether or not the (SFFO&OFSHZ"DUIBEBOZQPTJUJWFJNQBDU on provincial energy prices. “In some cases, JU (SFFO&OFSHZ"DU IBTCFFOBOJTTVF u TBJE.BZPS3PCFSU,JSCZPG&BTU)BXLFTCVSZ Township. 5IF(SFFO&OFSHZ"DUIBTQSPWFODPOUSP - versial over the years since the former-Liberal government approved it as part of Ontario’s energy production system. The Act’s provin- cial override power over local municipal land use planning and zoning approval has been the main issue of dispute. #PUI5IF/BUJPO.VOJDJQBMJUZBOE&BTU )BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQIBWFHPOFPOSFDPSE  opposing planned alternative energy projects QSPQPTFEGPSUIFJSDPNNVOJUJFT'PS&BTU )BXLFTCVSZJUXBTBTPMBSGBSNQSPQPTBM which involved prime agricultural land while a QSPQPTFEXJOEGBSNQSPKFDUXBT5IF/BUJPOT worry. The company proposing the wind farm project lost its licence application approval in a mass province-wide cancellation of “green energy” project approvals, soon after the Progressive Conservative government took power. The new provincial government has now

introduced legislation to repeal the Green &OFSHZ"DU&OFSHZ.JOJTUFS(SFH3JDLGPSEBOE *OGSBTUSVDUVSF.JOJTUFS.POUF.D/BVHIUPO both stated will restore full municipal control over local planning and zoning approvals. Both St-Amour and Kirby welcomed the full restoration of municipal authority for land use planning and zoning approvals. Both indicated they do not object to alternative energy projects in their communities but not without municipal approval about the location, scope, and type of project. “I need to see more details,” said Kirby. i8IFOUIFZSFDPNJOHUPNZUPXOTIJQ *XBOU to have input.” “The municipality has to have a say,” agreed St-Amour. Le nouveau gouvernement progressiste- conservateur tient sa promesse de campagne électorale d’abolir la Loi sur l’énergie verte de l’ancien gouvernement libéral. C’est une bonne nouvelle pour les maires du canton de Hawkesbury Est et de la municipalité de La Nation, qui se sont vivement opposés aux propositions antérieures de projets de parcs solaires et éoliens. —archives

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