Alongside with the task of becoming more mentally balanced with the things that you spend time with in your life is the challenge of becoming more physically balanced. There are certain markers that typically indicate trouble withmaintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your ability to stay balanced in this way, youmay still have difficulty with whole- body balance. Yoga is a great form of exercise to use to improve your ability to balance, as yoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You can improve your physical balance by: • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina • Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques In addition to finding yourmental balancewithhowyou spend your time, becoming more physically balanced is just as important. There are certain markers that typically indicate trouble with maintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling, or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your physical balance, youmay still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga is a great formof exercise to use to improve your ability to balance, as yoga helps to strengthen coremuscles and improve coordination. Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider howmuch time is spent driving to and fromwork and around town on errands, and then consider the time spent doing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about howmuch time you are spending doing the things that make you feel better — including those hobbies that you love, but also being active and engaging with the people you care about. STAYING ACTIVE & BECOMING BETTER BALANCED (Continued)
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