As you age, your muscle tissue actually dries out a little, which causes them to tighten. This causes a loss of range of motion in your joints and tissues. In addition, it can really limit your active lifestyle and hinder day-to-day, normal motions. Tasks that used to be simple, such as dressing or squatting down to tie your shoes, now become extremely difficult. A regular stretching program helps lengthen your muscles and makes daily living activities much easier. Everyone can learn to stretch, regardless of age or flexibility. Stretching should be a part of your daily routine, whether you regularly As you age, your muscle tissue actually dries out a little, which cause them to tighten. This cause a loss of range of motion in your joints and tissues. In addition, it can really limit your active lifestyle and hinder day-to-day, normal motions. Task that used to be simple, such as dressing or squatting down to tie your shoes, now become xtremely difficult. A regular stretching program helps lengthen your muscles and makes daily living activities much easier. Everyone can learn to stretch, regardless of age or flexibility. Stretching should be a part of your daily routine, whether you regularly As you age, your muscle tissue ctually dries out a little, which cau es them to tighten. This cau es a loss of range of m t on in your joints and tissues. In addit on, it can really l mit your act v lifestyle and hinder day-to-day, nor al m tions. Ta ks that used to be simple, such as dressing or squatting down to tie your shoes, now becom xtremely difficult. A regular stretching program helps lengthen your mu cles and makes da ly living activities much asier. Everyone can learn to stretch, egardless of age or flexibility. Stretching should be a part f your daily routine, whether you regularly Change Your Life: Maintain Change Your Life: Maintain Change Your Life: Maintain a Regular Stretching Program a Regular Stretching Program a Regular Stretching Progra
exercise or not. It does not have to involve a huge amount of time, but stretching can end up giving you huge results! Stretching is a natural part of what we do on a daily basis. You might notice that if you have been sitting in a particular position for a long time, you stretch unconsciously. It feels good! In addition to that good feeling, a consistent stretching program will produce large gains in flexibility and joint movement. Be kind to your muscles and they will be kind to you! Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect from a regular stretching program: • Reduced muscle tension • Increased range of movement in the joints • Enhanced muscular coordination • Increased circulation of the blood to parts of the body • Increased energy levels (resulting from increased circulation) ex rcise or not. It does not have to involve a huge amount of time, but stretching can end up giving you huge results! Stretching is a natural part of what we do n a daily basis. You might notice that if you have been sitt ng in a particular position for a long time, you stretch unconsciously. It feels good! In addition to that good feeling, a consistent stretching program will produce large gains in flexibility and joint movement. Be kind to your muscles and they will be kind to you! Her are just a few of the benefits you can expect from a regular stretching program: • Reduced muscle t nsion • Increased range of movement in the joints • Enhanced muscular coordination • Increased circulation of the blood to parts of the body • Increased en rgy lev ls (resulting from increased circulation) x rcise r not. It does not have to involve a huge amount of time, but stretching can end up iving you huge results! Stretch ng is a natur l part of what we d on a daily ba is. You might no ice that if you hav been s tting in a particular p siti n for a long time, you stretch unconsciously. It feels good! In addi i n to that good feeling, a con isten stretching program will produce large gai s in flexibility and joint movement. Be kind to your mu cles and they will be kind to you! H r are just a few of the b nefits you can xpect from a regular stretching program: • Reduced muscl te sion • Increased range of movement in the joints • Enhanced muscular coordination • Increased irculation of the blood to parts of the body • Increased energy l vels (resulting from increased irculation)
“I am able to function normally and I am going to the gym again.” PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT “I am able to function normally and I am going to the gym again.” PATIENT SUC ESS SPOTLIGHT “I am able to function normally and I am going o the gym again.” PATIENT SU CE SPOTLIGHT
“I came to therapy due to poor balance & dizziness. I was not able to do simple tasks or movements and was exhausted from trying. Thanks to Dr. Craig Young, by my third visit, the dizziness was gone &my balance improved back to normal. I am able to function normally and I am going to the gym again.” - L. S. “I came to herapy due to poor bal nce & dizziness. I was not able to do simple task or movements and was exhausted from trying. Thanks to Dr. Craig Young, by my third visit, he dizziness was gone &my bal nce improved back to normal. I am able to function ormally and I am going to the gym ag in.” - L. S. “I came o therapy due t poor b lance & dizziness. I was not able to do simple ta ks r moveme ts and was exhausted from trying. Thanks to Dr. Craig Young, by my th rd visit, the dizzines was gone &my balance improved back t normal. I am able to functi norm lly and I am oing o the gym gain.” - L S.
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