Arbitrum Token Flow Report - September 2024

DISCLAIMER This report is exclusively prepared for the confidential use of the Arbitrum Decentralized Autonomous Organization ("Arbitrum DAO"). In its preparation, the preparer (r3gen Finance) has relied upon unaudited information available for all entities related to Arbitrum DAO. The information contained herein has not been audited or formally reviewed, and therefore, r3gen Finance does not express an opinion or any form of assurance regarding its accuracy. No party shall be liable for any loss, damage, or expense incurred by relying on this report.

No Assurance

The preparation of this report relies on unaudited financial and non-financial information available for the entity. However, neither this report nor associated parties provide an opinion or any other form of assurance regarding the accuracy of the information presented.


r3gen Finance has compiled the accompanying report for Arbitrum DAO based on information provided by individual members of the DAO. This compilation has been conducted in accordance with ethical requirements, including principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence, and due care. Responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the information used to compile this report rests with the Arbitrum DAO. As a compilation engagement does not entail assurance, r3gen Finance is not obliged to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Consequently, no audit opinion or review conclusion on this information has been provided.

Source of Data

To preserve the integrity of the data presented in this report, on-chain data sources were used where possible. Where data not on-chain was used, the source of such data has been outlined in the report. No verification over data that was not on-chain was performed.

Important Notice

Please be advised that the information presented in this report is intended solely for informational purposes as a Token Flow report and is not to be construed as a financial statement. It should not be relied upon for making financial decisions. r3gen Finance does not assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information contained herein. Furthermore, r3gen Finance disclaims any liability for any misstatements or loss of funds resulting from actions taken based on the information provided in this report.


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