Copy of Herbage Booklet 2023

Herbage Mix No 2 Triple Cut ( cutting ley )

Good persistency and winter hardiness Excellent conservation and grazing yields Tetraploid content to give soluble carbohydrate Designed to produce at least three cuts of high-quality silage and excellent autumn grazing. By offering a blend of hybrid and perennial ryegrasses, the mixture not only remains highly productive but will also persist for three years.

Suggested sowing rate 14kg/ac


Rusa Hybrid

HRG 14.3%

Calibra Intermediate PRG ( t )


Diwan Intermediate PRG ( t )


PRG Dip 45.7%


Nifty Intermediate PRG

PRG Tet 40%

2kg Boyne Intermediate PRG

Cancan/Toddington Lane PRG


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