OA The magazine for Dulwich College Alumni Issue 04



THE UGANDA SCHOOL PROJECT Lower School Charity of the Year



Meet the Team

with the First XI securing third place in the Premier Division of the Arthurian League and a record points score in the process. We have not qualified for the finals of the Grafton Morrish Golf Tournament for over a decade. A run of disappointment the golfers were delighted to bring to an end this year by making the main draw at Hunstanton in October. It is clear that the Golfing Society’s policy of encouraging younger players is paying dividends; five of the six team members were under the age of 30. The Sailing Society had another very successful Boys Sail Training Week and it was a great honour that the fleet was joined for a few days by Ian Wyllie (90-97) who, despite a serious spinal injury, remains a most accomplished and successful sailor. The Islamic Society at Dulwich College has a long history of bringing together the Dulwich Muslim community and all those interested in Islam. This year, thanks to the hard work of Uzair Malida (10-17), we are pleased to announce the creation of the OA Muslim Network; starting strongly with 29 members already. The OA writing community continues to be both extremely prolific and highly diverse in its choice of subject material. Our ‘In Print’ section celebrates the work of perhaps our widest range of authors and titles ever. OAs are also achieving success in the highly competitive book market and it was with considerable pride over Christmas that I noted three of the authors in the Top 50 best seller list in WH Smith at Membury Services on the M4 were either OAs or members of the College Staff. We continue to spotlight the careers of OAs and during the year I was delighted to interview Tom Chivers (96-01), committed mudlarker and author of best selling book London Clay; scientist and entrepreneur Robert (Bobby) Holdbrook (03-10) and presenter, performer, broadcaster, DJ and creative director Zooey Gleaves (02-13) On 29 June the College will be open to all OAs for our summer Reunion. There will be food and music to help us celebrate as we catch up with old friends and reacquaint with present and past members of staff. This year, apart from reuniting decade and half decade year groups, we are inviting back former members of the Geography Department teaching staff. A warm welcome is guaranteed. Finally, I must thank those members of the Alumni and Development Office who have worked so hard to help put this edition of the OA Magazine together. In particular Isabelle Beckett, Joanne Whaley and graphic designer Lucy Baragwanath who have spent many hours writing, designing, editing and proof reading.

At a Special General Meeting held in the Spring of 2022, the Old Alleynian Association came into being, replacing the Alleyn Club, which, in its turn had replaced the Dulwich College School Association as Dulwich College’s alumni body.

Trevor Llewelyn Secretary of the OAA

In the summer the Association appointed

Matt Jarrett Director of Development

Nick Howe (74-80) as its first Chair. A Chartered Surveyor by profession, Nick

established his own business, Edgerley Simpson Howe LLP in the mid 1990’s, only recently retiring as Managing Partner and taking up a more consultancy role. A gifted rugby player, Nick played more than 300 games over 14 years for the OAFC. Golf has been a lifelong passion and Nick is proud to have Captained the OA Golfing Society in 2000. He played in the Halford Hewitt tournament for over 20 years and Captained the team from 2014 to 2018. Nick is also a member of The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews and recently served on their Rules Committee and has had the honour of refereeing at several major competitions including The Open Golf Championships at Carnoustie in 2018, Royal Portrush in 2019 and Royal St George’s in 2021. I am sure all will join me in welcoming Nick to a role which will be crucial in helping to shape the future governance and strategic direction of the Association. Our cover image shows the smiling faces of the pupils of Bumakenya Primary School in Eastern Uganda. The school is supported by two young OAs, Sean Richardson (02-07) and Harry Bucknell (00-05) through their charity, The Uganda School Project. Dulwich College is proudly supporting the work of Sean and Harry by adopting TUSP as Lower School Charity of the Year. The State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth took place in September and the College and Old Alleynian Association were represented in both the preparations for the event and on the day itself. Hamza Huda (97-07) of the Royal Horse Guards and 1st Dragoons stood guard over the Queen’s coffin during the lying in state while Emily Rutter, a member of the teaching staff marched as part of the College’s CCF contingent. Both have written of their ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences including some fascinating behind the scenes accounts. As always our Clubs and Societies have been busy. The OAAFC goes from strength to strength with over 90 different OAs playing at some point throughout the year. There was even an inaugural 4th XI match: a thrilling 3-3 draw with their College counterparts. All three of our regular sides recorded their best ever league positions

Joanne Whaley Head of Engagement

Isabelle Beckett Alumni Relations and Events Officer

Laura Jones Philanthropy Manager

Sarah Fretwell Donor Engagement Manager

Taneisha Armstrong-Dalling Development Administrator

We would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, and welcome suggestions for future features. Should you like to get in touch then please write to us at:

ALUMNI AND DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Dulwich College Dulwich Common London SE21 7LD

Follow us:



+44 (0) 20 8299 5335 oa@dulwich.org.uk

Trevor Llewelyn (72-79) Secretary of the Old Alleynian Association

Old Alleynian Association

www.dulwich.org.uk/old-alleynians-home www.oldalleynianconnect.org

Old Alleynian Association






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Meet the Team

Meet the New President: Will Lewis

A Message from The Master

The Uganda School Project (TUSP)

Lockdown in Shanghai Alleynian Sailing Society Old Alleynian Shooting Club

THURSDAY 29 JUNE 2023 6PM - 10PM DULWICH COLLEGE Open to OAs and their families

Old Alleynian Football Club (Rugby)

Old Alleynian Association Football Club (Soccer)

Old Alleynian Golfing Society

Old Alleynian Lodge OA Cross Country

Join us at your OA Reunion and catch up with your childhood friends, classmates and teachers. The campus will be open solely for OAs and their guests for food, drinks and entertainment. The Campus buildings will also be open for you to look around and reminisce. If you have not been to the College for a while, this is the perfect opportunity to come back!

OA Cricket

OA Badminton Zooey Gleaves

Environmental Impact Report 2021-22 Leavers Destinations

Class of 2019 Tom Chivers

Visit www.trybooking.co.uk/BYFK or scan the QR code to book your early bird tickets now

Thirty Years of the Muslim Community at Dulwich College

The OA Muslim Network

OA News

Former Staff Deaths

Royal Funeral: Hamza Huda Royal Funeral: Emily Rutter Royal Funeral: Ben Dean Royal Funeral: The Queue

The History of the Christison Hall Black History Month at Dulwich College

Robert Holdbrook

From London to Monte Carlo

Sailing round Britain and Ireland. Solo.

Portrait of a Prince

By Endurance We Conquer Co-Curricular Highlights School of Your Dreams

Union of Interests Campus Works OAs in Buenos Aires

International Gatherings International Community The Impact of Your Support Dulwich College Partnerships

OAs in Print In Memoriam


I joined in September 1954 and left eleven years later. At 8½ years, I was the youngest boy in the College and when I left in July 1965, one of the oldest at 19 years and 4 months. Will became the President of the Old Alleynian Association in November 2022 Meet the new Old Alleynian Association President Will Lewis

really wasn’t my best subject and, after one term’s obviously pathetic effort by me, his report sent to my parents was uncomplimentary. It said “Lewis is lazy and inept, and appears to think his ineptitude amusing”. I doubt if you could make a comment like that today and needless to say my father went ballistic. This was the low point; things did pick up from there. By a circuitous route, I eventually transferred to the History side, under two outstanding masters – Mark Whittaker and Ernie Williams; over the years they sent dozens of boys to Oxbridge. Sport figured highly in my agenda at the College, although never reaching the heights of either first teams. I really loved my time here. What a wonderful surprise it was when my granddaughter – little Florence – started at Dulwich College Singapore in August 2019 aged five; exactly 65 years after her grandfather started here. We picked her up from school and were amazed to see the frontage of their building, where they have replicated the Barry Buildings, including their own clock tower.

What do I want to achieve?

The role of the President has changed in that the Old Alleynian Association now has a Chairman who, together with the Secretary and the committee, will manage the affairs of the Association. I am sure that this change will give greater continuity and more member engagement in the Association’s activities. So in addition to enjoying meeting many of our members, I want to support the College as best I can by emphasising how we can contribute to “levelling up”, a popular theme at the moment. I benefitted from the “Dulwich Experiment” where my fees were paid by our local authority. What a far sighted man Christopher Gilkes was; he thought of levelling up 80 years ago. And we can replicate this process by building the Bursary Fund further, as a force for social mobility. It stands at £18m and has doubled over the last seven years; it greatly contributes to giving the College a wider social mix.

When were you at the College? What brought you here?

I joined in September 1954 (the same month as a young teacher, Terry Walsh) and left 11 years later. At 8½ years, I was the youngest boy in the College and when I left in July 1965, one of the oldest at 19 years and 4 months. My father had for a number of years driven past the College and admired the impressive Barry Buildings and all he heard about Dulwich College. He decided that his three boys would go to the College and he succeeded in that ambition. We moved to Dulwich Village in 1952. All three of us came home to lunch each day and so we got to know College Road very well. As a result, our mother couldn’t have had much time to herself.

What did I do after leaving the College?

played cricket for the OA Cricket Club in the 70s and then joined the OA Golfing Society and was Captain in 2014. I have run the Kent & East Sussex annual OA dinner for 13 years. The best career decision I made was to retire! Since retiring in 2011, I followed one of my passions and became Hon Treasurer of Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club for eight years and Captain thereafter for two years.

occasions …..mutton burgers, mutton sausages and so on. In those days, there were no roads on the Islands except in Port Stanley. Travel into the countryside (it was called “the Camp”) was arduous and had to be by Land Rover across many peat bogs. The annual horse race meeting took place whilst we were there. Farmers from far and wide had come into town and I shall never forget the sight on the hill behind the race track; there must have been 100 to 150 Land Rovers of various vintages parked across the hill. I later worked for 30 years in the leasing industry for two large banks – one a US bank and the other Dutch. For 10 of those years, I had my own leasing operation with two business partners. I have probably contributed more as an Old Alleynian than I did as a young Alleynian. I joined the OA Football Club after university, playing in every team over 15 years or so, and I was Hon Treasurer for ten years…. great days (and evenings!). I

I went to the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. That was a wonderful three years where, after coming down to earth (no-one had heard of DC), I had the greatest time, graduating with a BSc (Econ). I qualified as an accountant with Peat, Marwick, Mitchell (now KPMG). One of the more unusual assignments was a seven week visit in 1977 to the Falkland Islands to carry out the audit of the books of the Falkland Islands Government. This visit was five years before the Argentine invasion and to get there we had to go via Buenos Aires to obtain accreditation and then catch a plane further south from Patagonia. It flew there and back once a week on a Thursday. We stayed at the joyously named Uplands Goose hotel. The accommodation was pretty average, but the fare was worse! Given that there are so many sheep on the Islands, out of the 49 lunches and 49 dinners we must have had mutton in some form or other on nearly 90

What am I currently reading?

I have just finished “Putin’s People” by Catherine Belton, a disturbing account of how Putin and the KGB have amassed unstoppable power. At the moment I am reading “Collateral Damage” by Kim Darroch, the former British ambassador to Washington, who was forced to resign when some of his less complimentary dispatches about President Trump were leaked; it’s an excellent read. However, I must confess to an addiction to Sudoku which seems to take up more time then it should.

How did you spend your time at the College? Do you have any particular memories?

Of course so many of us reflect on the Masters we met along the way. I had an early brush with the then Art Master, Mark Preston. He sported an impressive handlebar moustache and was quite a character. Being slightly colour blind, Art


When I sat down to write my message for last year’s OA Magazine , I expressed a hope that the College would soon return to normal in terms of the extent of our activities and ability to entertain OAs at Dulwich. At the end of the summer I was able to report that, to all intents and purposes, the campus was fully open. A wonderful Founder’s Day concert, attended by many of you, was probably the finest expression of that. The best news of all is that the 2022-23 academic year has continued in the same vein, with a real buoyancy about the place in the wake of excellent public exam results and university placements, and with more highlights than I can fit on to one page. Our first full-scale OA Reunion since 2019 took place last June. 250 OAs were joined by a good number of current and former teachers to catch up and reminisce. All our guests reported on an evening of good conversation and good company. I look forward to this year’s reunion, and hope that those celebrating significant Dulwich anniversaries in 2023 will be prominent among the OAs accepting our invitation. A number of College events have been enhanced by the support and presence of Old Alleynians. November’s Creative Industries Networking evening organised by the Careers Department for around 80 current DC pupils (and 40 visitors from the schools of the Southwark Schools Learning Partnership) would not have been as successful as it was without the engagement of the 20 or more OAs, making up the bulk of our professional guests, who returned to share stories of their career journeys. Many other OAs have returned in an individual capacity to address our various societies, talking passionately about their areas of expertise and inspiring the next generation to aspire to excellence in their potential vocations and avocations. There was also a strong OA presence at the Courses and Careers Convention on 4 February, for which we are most grateful. Our first in-person OA networking event for over two years took place in October. OAs working in the law and financial services met at White & Case LLP to renew old acquaintanceships and make new connections. Our next networking event will be focused on entrepreneurship and showcase some of the many impressive ventures that OAs have embarked on since leaving school. We are planning to host a series of talks from the Archives and a string of OA receptions, dinners and lunches both in and beyond the UK. I am also pleased to announce that we will again be launching Wild Arts’ Summer season with Opera in The Orchard in the beautiful setting of the gardens of The Orchard boarding house. Last year the inaugural concert raised more than £10,000 for the Bursary Appeal 2022. These funds edged us a little closer to our aspiration of becoming a needs-blind school, and helped us to become the Independent School of the Year 2022 for our Contribution to Social Mobility. I am writing to you shortly after my return from my delayed sabbatical expedition to Antarctica, following in the footsteps of Sir Ernest Shackleton. Speaking about 'Shackleton, Dulwich and Leadership' to members of the James Caird Society and others from the Final Quest expedition party at the Whalers Church in Grytviken, South Georgia, was one of the greatest honours I've had and merely one highlight from a voyage from which there are many tales to tell. The boys are beginning to hear some of those stories in a run of assemblies and I look forward to sharing more of them with you, both in our electronic communications and in person.

For now, I wish you and your families a happy and healthy 2023.

As ever

Dr Joe Spence The Master


The Uganda School Project (TUSP) Harry Bucknell left Dulwich in 2005 and Sean Richardson in 2007. After university both found themselves in corporate jobs (insurance and property management respectively) that left them feeling unfulfilled. Life came into even sharper focus for Harry when on a trip to Uganda he was involved in a potentially fatal car accident. For Sean a family bereavement at the same time that the family business was sold caused him to re-evaluate his life. Both wanted a change in direction to something that was more meaningful. A chance discussion at an OAAFC training session was the start of a relationship that led, in 2016, to the creation of The Uganda School Project, a charity which supports educational development in rural Uganda. The first school that TUSP supported was Bumakenya Primary School in the village of Makenya in the Namisindwa District of Eastern Uganda. Over the last six years the project has resulted in far reaching educational and infrastructural outcomes in one of the most breathtakingly attractive parts of Uganda but one whose isolation has, over many years, resulted in a lack of access to vital services including healthcare and education. UNICEF has estimated that 32% of children in Uganda who enrol in primary school are likely to drop out before finishing the prescribed seven years. The statistics are worse for girls and for children with any sort of disability.

In September last year, TUSP and Dulwich College joined forces and TUSP became the College’s Lower School Charity of the year. Sean and Harry spoke to the OA Magazine about their journey so far.

How did the idea for the charity come about?

The project was born when Harry went out to Uganda at the start of 2016, and did a recce with a friend. He found Bumakenya Primary School in desperate need of help. ‘It was a humbling experience’ Harry recounts. ‘A number of friends came out to help in the early days but it was Sean who spent the most time there. Our first project was the construction of a classroom, just one classroom. It was paid for with £5000 that we had raised from a black tie event back in London. Our guest list was made up of broke 20 year olds and we only charged £30 for a ticket. It was so amateur. Thank goodness we made some money from the raffle. That paid for the first classroom’. Once the community accepted that your offer to help was genuine, how challenging was it to get the project off the ground? Initially it proved to be very challenging. There were many broken promises and missed delivery deadlines. But we have thankfully found someone, a local engineer, who understands the quality control we are looking for and with whom we have built a great relationship. The issue that we are now finding is in many ways no different from here in Britain. Materials and fuel prices have gone up by over 30% in the last six months. The pound has also lost value and despite our efforts at fundraising it feels a bit like two steps forwards and one step back. In addition the local conditions are so different from anything we experience at home. The village is very isolated and in the rainy season roads can become impassable and it is not unknown for bridges to be washed away. Once the first classroom was built we moved quite quickly to the next, then a third and a fourth. Now the school has eight classrooms and a hygienic sanitation system which is crucial in a region that still suffers from cholera.


What do you consider to be your most important achievements? We are very proud to be able to look back at the beginning of the project when the school felt as though it was being treated like a second class citizen. It had an abandoned, unloved and uncared for feel to it. The government did not prioritise education in rural areas and we had to cope with teachers who did not turn up for work. Now that the school has been shown some love, the children have a proper place to learn with good teachers and teaching. The village now sees the school as an important part of community life. And now kids from other areas are being sent to our school, because parents are seeing that there's a good education to be had there. We have double the number of children receiving a far better education than they were before. What are the main things you have learned over the last six years? There is no doubt we have learned a great deal and the whole process has been hugely rewarding, despite the challenges along the way. For instance it quickly became obvious that we needed to concentrate on the issues over which we could have the most control and would make the greatest difference to the lives of the young people who we wanted to help and the community in which they lived. I guess the model that has evolved can be distilled down to two core components. Firstly, the educational infrastructure which provides a safe, supportive and effective learning environment for the children. Then you've got the development of the education itself; making sure that the teachers are well equipped to deliver lessons that are relevant and effective. Of course the students have to be well equipped too and not just with writing equipment and paper. Increasingly we have addressed their wellbeing and safeguarding. Happy, cared for children always learn better. Very little money comes from the Ugandan government. We are a UK registered charity with a Ugandan partner. If COVID has taught us anything it is that it is important to diversify our fundraising channels. Money comes from a wide variety of sources; from people who have undertaken half marathons and other challenging events to black tie dinners. Recently we have looked to apply for grants from a variety of trusts and foundations. That can be initially challenging but becomes easier once you have a track record with which to sell yourself. Sean is now employed by the charity to oversee the fundraising and project management this has made a huge difference.

Once the classrooms were in place how easy was it to attract good teachers? We found very early on that the teaching staff were totally disenfranchised from the school that they were working in. This was not surprising when the government often delayed paying them by up to three months. Daily attendance rates from teachers could be as low as 50% and it was hugely frustrating and logistically difficult to manage this at the beginning. Finding high quality senior management was equally challenging and we saw three headmasters come and go early on. Slowly, things began to improve and it was exciting to see young teachers responding so positively to our training programmes. Very quickly the students began to benefit; there was a noticeable improvement in attendance and the overall student numbers grew; absenteeism fell and the energy throughout the school was noticeable. We are now up to on average 450 boys and girls attending daily with 11 full time staff. The students all come from the local area and walk to school, 10 to 15 minutes on average. What are the main differences between Ugandan and British schools? One noticeable difference between Uganda and the UK is the wide age range that you will find in Ugandan schools. There is no formal age at which children have to attend school in Uganda so some may be much older than four or five on their first day. Some students may progress rapidly through the system, others have to repeat a year. It has been known for 18 year olds to still be in primary school. A class can be comprised of students of a whole mix of different ages which can take a little getting used too at first. Despite the work we have done there are still really high pupil to teacher ratios which is the same throughout many rural Ugandan schools, especially government schools. In the first year of primary school, there might be as many as 120 children in one class with one teacher. One to one teaching is impossible. There is a real need for more and better teachers. There are also a lot of gender specific issues with female children, although the recent provision of sanitation and hygiene facilities that weren't there originally has made a big difference. However, there are still real barriers for girls attending the school and there is a lot of work to be done around dispelling much of the stigma, myth and shame associated with menstruating. The lack of proper support means that young women might miss school three, four or five days of every month.

Now that Bumakenya is on a much more sustainable footing what are you looking at next? The next project, which is now underway, is to support Soono Primary School which is a 20 minute walk from Bumakenya. It too has been neglected over the years. We have begun the fundraising process and are probably about 55- 60% of the way to our target. After that we are looking to extend across multiple schools in Eastern Uganda with the aim of improving their educational outcome statistics compared to those they are currently achieving. We are definitely very excited about the future.

Read more about TUSP and donate: www.theuganderchoolproject.com

The following is an account by an OA of Shanghai’s lockdown last spring. For reasons of personal security, the author wishes to remain anonymous.


Pre-Lockdown Huangpu river divides the city of Shanghai in two. On the evening of 27 March I was on my way from the east to the west bank. Soon after I crossed the river, all bridges were shut down by the order of the government. Never in the history of post-colonial Shanghai had freedom of travel had been so restricted. The ‘Wuhan’ Covid lockdown of 2020 had been a success. Deaths and infections were statistically negligible and it ensured China was one of the very few countries globally with a positive GDP growth that year. The policy had been placed on a pedestal by the government; monument and museum were made. People felt safe in China, policymakers were proud of their decision, factories kept running smoothly. From this point onwards, Covid became a spectre that haunted China. A blessing and a curse. For a politician to speak out was career suicide. The word ‘lockdown’ was never used by the policymakers – it sounded too aggressive. Instead it was named ‘Dynamic Zero Policy’. Shanghai, China’s most populous city, largest seaport and a major industrial area and commercial centre fell into line. A positive case brought 14 days of lockdown for the entire building; a close contact, seven days; a close contact of a close contact, three days. Along with centralised quarantine centres and obedient citizens, the policy worked well, and Covid was contained. A Covid ‘outbreak’ was declared in Shanghai on 28 February 2022. Caused by the omicron variant it became the most widespread in the city since the pandemic had started some two years prior. The authorities reacted by introducing mass testing and localised lockdowns. By 5 April the lockdown was expanded to encompass the entire city region, affecting a population of over 25 million.

Covid Lockdown in 2022, Shanghai

Mandarin, not so much in English. A white box that sits unobtrusively in the kitchen of most homes suddenly became the centre of attention for all Shanghai citizens: the fridge. Everyone was running out of food. To be exact, we were running out of delivery personnel that kept the supply chain functioning. The last 100 metres became as important as all the rest of the links together. A citywide lockdown means just that … delivery drivers get locked down too. Delivery apps were the only means of getting hold of food at the beginning. There were horribly long queues and order slots disappeared almost as soon as they were released each morning. Those who were too slow had to wait until the next day for another chance. Internet servers crashed almost every day. Delivery cost went up tenfold. When it works properly the market economy can be magical. It took only a week for ‘community purchase’ to proliferate. The concept is simple, we gathered online within our neighbourhood or building to purchase food. Delivery costs reduced and the vendors were guaranteed a big order. We went to the front of the queue. Nevertheless, it was still a seller’s market and some companies made millions. Not everyone was trapped in apartment blocks. A very few had a government-issued pass and lived in their company offices. But they couldn’t go home. I was fortunate to live with another accountant. My girlfriend’s expertise in inventory planning was useful. She was scrupulous, always aware of the shelf-life of every item. Her 3D geometric sorting skills enabled her to pack anything into the fridge; perfectly. Basically, she did the cooking and I did the cleaning. We had a lot of free time in lockdown. I wanted to spend time playing Chopin, but my girlfriend doesn’t have a piano in her flat. Instead, I listened to recordings. I didn’t listen to learn new techniques - I listened to listen. I could hear the sound of freedom. I understood the value of freedom in this time of great suppression. I understood why music transcends. PCR testing was enforced every two or three days. In principle, keeping track of infection can prevent

the spread. In reality, it was the testing that caused most infections – the testing centres were crowded with people queuing. I had a colleague who served in the army before coming to our firm. He had the strongest faith in government policy. ‘The party will take care of all’ is what he posted on social media. It took 11 days for the optimistic man to run out of food and toilet rolls completely and while our firm helped him out immediately, his disillusionment must have been overwhelming. Great writers and video makers emerged everywhere out of nowhere. The shelf-life for their work was about an hour. They got censored quickly after drawing too much attention to themselves. As many suspected, the truth is the most dangerous threat to the policy. The Lockdown ends Many other cities went in and out of lockdowns in 2022 – of course it was not just Shanghai.

On June 1 2022, Shanghai lifted its lockdown.

In late November, 10 people died in a fire in Urumuqi city. The fire brigade couldn’t reach the blazing building because of ‘Covid Neighbourhood Blockades’. Protests started nationwide, the first public protest since 1989 and by early December the government had completely dismantled the Zero-Covid Policy.

I couldn’t believe the protests worked.

According to state media, the demonised virus is now a mild flu. Supply chains were in limbo (again). Price of Ibuprofen skyrocketed. Infections exploded. The government stopped disclosing the statistics. No one knows how many have died. On the other hand, everything is finally going back to normal. The River After the lockdown, I was so pumped to see the Huangpu River again. For centuries, it has flowed past power and wealth, tyrants and heroes, suffering and love. The river has been there and will always be there, the river knows and carries memories to the boundless ocean.

Then, Covid turned wild and mild.

In early February 2022 the number of daily infections went from single to double digits, then triple. Medical and administrative systems were overwhelmed. The authorities acted; quickly. Late February : The Lockdown I fled to my girlfriend’s flat after hearing too many rumours about an upcoming lockdown. In the time of turbulence and uncertainty, rumours come from nowhere but spread fast. “足不出户” policy was enforced citywide, which translates to “not a foot outside your home”. “ 应检尽检 ”, “PCR testing for all who must be tested”. They sound elegant in




Hon Secretary’s Notes After another successful year on and off the water, the Sailing Society is looking forward to celebrating its 40th year in 2023. Our rally takes place at the end of May. You are most welcome to come and join us - the only sailing requirement is that you do not spill your beer! This year we are proposing that the Boys Sail Training Week is over two weeks, with a different group of boys joining us for the second week. We will also be participating in the Belvidere Cup and the Arrow Trophy against other schools. Chris Holmes, father of Will Holmes, was part of the Arrow crew this year and so I hope there are other parents who are keen to join us in the future. Our 40th Gala Dinner will be held at the Royal Thames Yacht Club on Thursday 28 September. As already mentioned, it would be great to see as many new potential sailors at all our sailing and on-shore outings. Do join us… If you would like information regarding joining the Society, please contact Anthony Frankford (Hon Sec). Email: anthonytfrankford@gmail.com Phone: 07511 381843

Once again, the boundless energy and enthusiasm of the ASSes manifested itself on the water in 2022. We started in February with the AGM chaired by a (temporary) Rear-Admiral as our Admiral (Dr Spence) was on sabbatical. Sadly, despite his best efforts, he was unable to better the Admiral’s record time of 25 minutes. We then repaired to the Salle for lunch and prizes. The Pendry Cup had been awarded to current pupil James Lock on the Boys Sail Training Week. The Archie Shaw Cup went to Charlie Lowe (94-01) and the David Emms Plate to Matt Gorvett (06-13). In May we entered the Belvidere Cup competition. This is held on Queen Mary reservoir near Heathrow and teams use the fleet of J-80s in a match racing format. This is definitely work in progress, but the team began to gel as the day went on and some good races were held. The final result did not reflect on the team’s efforts. The schools that did well in this event are those who race this sort of boat on a regular basis, and a practice session would be of great benefit. The team this year was Reg Kheraj (02-07), Ben Taffs (09-16) as Skipper, Peter Fosdike (92-01) at the Helm, Will Holmes (12-19) and Tommaso Quaglia (15-20). Our May rally one week later took us to Yarmouth then Weymouth, where we had a cracking sail, before a return to Lymington and then Buckler’s Hard and Cowes. Matt Gorvett (06-13) brought his brother and their drone, and demonstrated the difficulties of retrieving it from the back of a moving yacht! The main trip was, as usual, the Boys Sail Training Week which took place in July. Five boats took part, we had more boys wanting to come but were constrained by the number of available skippers, and I thank the skippers and crew that give of their time each year to make this a success. They were the Commodore Richard Sainsbury (63-72), the Hon Sec Anthony Frankford (62-69), the Vice Commodore Alastair Capon (73-80), Reg Kheraj and Peter Fosdike. Richard Byford (67-76), Alex Langley (93-03), Ben Taffs, Michelle Littleboy and recent leavers Monty Slater (15-20) and Tommaso Quaglia returned to assist. The College was represented by Harry Willets and Victoria Goldsack. As an experiment, we introduced two nights in Yarmouth with a more formal ‘teaching’ component, well organised by Alastair Capon and Reg Kheraj. The boys learnt how to row a dinghy, throw and coil a line properly, as well as plot a course. I would like to see us take boys up to the level of Royal Yachting Association Competent Crew and some of the older ones starting preparation for Day Skipper qualifications. The week featured a fun evening in Buckler’s Hard, where Alex Langley ran the barbeque and rounders featured for the first time. We were joined for a few days by Ian Wyllie (90-97) who is sailing single-handed round Great Britain and Ireland to raise funds for the Andrew Cassell Foundation who support disabled sailors. Ian suffered a spinal injury and sails a Vancouver 27. It was interesting to hear of his plans and see how he has adapted his boat to his needs. The Commodore’s quiz caused some head scratching but seemed to be well received, and all in all another successful week was held. Thanks to Harry Willets and Victoria Goldsack for their help in coordinating the Alleynians and the Old Alleynians. The event remains one of the exemplars of how the OA community support the College. More available skippers would allow us to take more boats, if you are interested please get in touch. The final ‘on water’ event of the year was the Arrow Trophy. With a young inexperienced crew, we maintained 8th position. Improvement is the name of our game! The other ASS-related event this year was the Hon Sec’s 70th birthday held in Port d'Andratx in Majorca. This was attended by many from the Society and a good time was had by all. The Hon Sec is the glue that holds the Society together and I thank both him and our wizard Treasurer, Simon Brown (69-76), for their ongoing commitment. Richard Sainsbury Commodore ASS



OAFC RUGBY CLUB It gives me great pleasure to report that the 2022/23 season has started well for the OAFC. The 1st XV, under the newly appointed captaincy of Josh Winduss (taking over from Charlie Thompson) and coaching of James Knox, are currently first place in the Counties 1 Kent league. I was pleased to watch the first-placed OAs take on Bromley, in second place, early in December and win convincingly 27-13 as part of an assured team performance. The 2nd XV are, at the time of writing, in fourth place in their league, and the club regularly fields four teams in the senior section as well as a veterans team. The age-grade, junior section of the club is also thriving, with over 600 members and affiliated players, and continues to provide valuable financial and non-financial support to the wider club. We are the second largest club by membership in the UK: an impressive achievement that should make all involved in the club, past and present, proud. Across the club we rely on over 200 volunteers who give up their time freely to coach, manage and support the activities of the club. We remain hugely grateful to all those who provide their valuable time and other resources for the club’s benefit. This year the club celebrates the 125th anniversary of its foundation on 8 October 1898. There will be a number of events to celebrate the club’s long history, including the 125th Anniversary Ball on 24 June 2023. Please do contact me if you are interested in more information on how to contribute or participate in this event. I have made it a priority as the incoming Chairman to build on the existing relationship we have with the College. The continued representation of OAs through playing and contributing to the club, our long shared history, and playing under the Old Alleynian name all maintain our important ties to the College. We remain hugely grateful for this connection and the wider support of the Old Alleynian Association and the College. The OAFC has established an important role supporting the local community through promoting rugby and its wider benefits, to a diverse audience. As well as OAs, players include individuals from multiple backgrounds, age grade teams exist for both boys and girls and the rugby for all programme provides financial support to those who require it. In this respect the club firmly supports, and contributes to, the positive influence that the College has in the local community. I want to continue to build on this to ensure that the club gives back to the College in a positive way. It is a privilege to have been appointed Chairman earlier this year. I’d like to use this opportunity to thank and recognise Mike Lobb, the outgoing Chair, for his


Pete Leggett (68-76) My dad was in the Dulwich Shooting Team in the 1930s and it was a given that I would follow in his footsteps. We used the College’s 22 indoor range, which was then to the right of the gym. Most sessions were run by Tony Salter. Wednesday afternoons saw RSM Morgan, ‘The Raz’, drive a transit van full of cadets to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) Range at Shoreham in Kent for an afternoon’s 303 target practice. After such a good grounding in the sport, I was able to maintain my interest though the OASC, shooting at Bisley during the summer. For me, shooting is an alluring combination of precision engineering and mental and physical control. Hitting V-bulls at 1000 yards can be immensely satisfying. Roger Hiorns (71-78) I joined the CCF primarily for the chance to learn how to shoot a rifle. I took to it so well that I made the Shooting VI and was awarded my school colours. I certainly wouldn’t have got them for rugby or cricket! Immediately after school, I joined the OASC. Gay Tuckerman was very welcoming and encouraging, making Bisley a second home. I now shoot once a fortnight. For every bad day, I know there will be a good day when the planets align and I shoot well. Not knowing when that day will be keeps me coming back for more. Siddarth Thaker (94-99) My primary school was in Knightsbridge. We had access to the Duke of York’s Barracks which had small bore ranges that we could use once a month. Unfortunately, I never shot at the College; the range was closed well before my time. I got back into shooting in 2021 to hone my target rifle skills, including focus, discipline, mindfulness and breathing control. It's also a social activity, where members can get together, talk about life experiences and compete as a team against other schools. It is a great time to join the club. If you would like to try your hand at target shooting, please contact us. Pete Leggett Secretary OASC

The Big Bang Experience

The College has had a long history of Target Rifle Shooting. We asked the OA Shooting Club (OASC) members how they got involved in the sport and why they still make the pilgrimage to the National Rifle Association ranges at Bisley several times a year. Kit Sturges (52-59) I was never great at sport in school. I took up shooting because the idea appealed to me, and because my friend, Jerry Wing (52-60), did it. I started at Musketry Camp which meant visiting Bisley. I was then recruited into the Cadet Pair and progressed into the Shooting VIII. When I joined the OASC, I entered the Bisley Imperial Meeting. Surprisingly, I was the only OA to make the Queen's Final. That persuaded the club to propose me as OASC Captain, a role I retained for forty years. Neil Blaydon (56-62) I started shooting the first year I was eligible to join the CCF. In those days, shooting was very enthusiastically run by RSM Morgan and Geoff Waterworth. During the Summer term we travelled down to Bisley every Wednesday afternoon. Saturday shooting was limited to the team and a Cadet Pair; we piled into the open backs of Land Rovers with our rifles between our knees. Shooting was the only sport I have ever been any good at, plus you can do it lying down. I keep coming back because the challenge still overcomes any disappointment from my fading form. David Nicholson (59-67) I quickly realised that I was spectacularly bad at cricket and should find an alternative sport for Wednesday afternoons. RSM Morgan was a good shooting coach and never seemed to give up on a schoolboy. My memorable experiences include the dreadful old huts at Bisley Shooting Camp and competing in the Ashburton. It was enjoyable with all those schools on the firing point. I always ask myself, ‘Why do I keep on shooting?’ I enjoy trying to improve on my last score, but then it is almost impossible to explain in any way other than by saying, ‘I like doing it’.

significant contribution to the OAFC over eight years in this role. I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming months and years and would warmly welcome the opportunity to hear any thoughts and suggestions you have for the continued success, and the next 125 years, of the OAFC. Phil Kent Chairman OAFC




Loretto School beautifully summed up the ethos of our golf when they recalled their spring meeting, where the inclusion of handicaps allowed their players to play the same course on an equal footing despite their ages ranging from 18 to 80. There is no other sport that can boast that. We welcome all golfers of all ages and abilities to play competitive golf against old foes Alleyn's, Whitgift, Tonbridge and more on an equal footing and on great courses. The Halford Hewitt 2022 Our first round was against Gresham’s at Royal St. George's Golf Club. A late start time allowed us to practise on the putting green before making final preparations on the practice ground. These preparations seemed to be paying off when four of the five matches were going our way at the turn. A large group of 16 SODs (Supporters of Dulwich), including Dr Joe Spence, were standing on the dune on the right of the 10th green, sharing smiles and encouraging words. Then came Gresham’s fight back. The top pair of Roger Kelly (81- 88) and Chris Sealey (10-15) held their ground against our rejuvenated opponents, who kept the match alive by holing long putts at the 16th and 17th, only to miss another at the 19th and allow us a narrow victory. Dr Spence waited to watch Roger Kelly sink the winning putt, before leaving the match balanced at 2-2 to catch his train, entrusting our secretary with his umbrella. As it always seems to, it came down to the last pair on the last green who just couldn’t repel the valiant fight back from their opponents, who won five of the last six holes. We lost 3 -2. The Hewitt yet again showed why it is such a great tournament, and why you should never give up. Dr Spence was enthralled and saw that golf can make a great team sport; he hopes to return in 2023. Grafton Morrish 2022 We had not qualified for the finals of the Grafton Morrish for over 10 years, but the change of venue to Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club made a difference. In only our second attempt at this fabulous course, we managed to qualify with a real team effort. The proven pairing of Freddie Neden (10-15) and Jonathan Swinney (77-84) led the team from the front, the rookies Ed and Guy Tilson (11-16) slotted into the middle pairing, and the pairing of Hugo Avshu (01-12) and Felix Suther-Jones (11-16) brought up the rear. All pairings roared to the turn with good scores and the more difficult back nine, coupled with some tough pin positions, made the scoring harder. A combined scratch stableford foursomes score of 83 points was good enough for third place and a guaranteed place in the main event, which was to be played at Hunstanton in October. The same team played the finals and narrowly lost the first round to Shrewsbury. We then went into the plate competition, losing in the next round by a single point. Better luck next year. This tournament really highlighted the emergence of our young golfers, with younger members making up five of the six players captained by Roger Kelly, a Cambridge Golf Blue. We last won the Grafton Morrish in 1971 under the Captaincy of the late Tony Brewer, in whose memory we played for and won the Brewmaster Bowl against his club Royal Cinque Ports in February. The winning team included his brother Jeremy.

The winning team at Royal Cinque Ports Rear row: Freddie Neden, Roger Kelly (Capt), Matt Flint, Jeremy Brewer, David Rutnam Front Row: Jonathan Swinney, Felix Suther-Jones, Jonny Waugh As well as these two annual tournaments, we enjoyed two great days at Royal Ashdown Golf Club where we played the club for the Bob Deakin Bowl, which Bob Deakin (42-45) himself presented to the club upon their narrow win. The club side boasted several OAs in their team and were captained by Chris Litterick (60-68) against our own Captain Will Lewis (54-65). We all enjoyed resting on the Old Alleynian bench by the 10th tee while Mrs Litterick and Mrs Lewis provided the players with refreshments. The second of these two matches was the under 35s, captained by Hugo Avshu, versus the over 35s, captained by Chris Smith (71-80). There was a slight shortage of under 35s, so the youthful partnership of Duncan Anderson (64-71) and Nick Donald (73-80) won a point for the under 35s. Sadly, in September, the Queen Elizabeth II competition at Royal Burgess in Edinburgh was postponed for a year as a mark of respect for our late Queen. We also played matches against Sevenoaks, Shrewsbury, Sedburgh, Loretto, Cranleigh, St Pauls and Uppingham. Next year our Captain will be Mat Flint (78-83) and our Youth Captain will be Hugo Avshu. We hope that any golfers out there who have not yet joined us contact us through our website or via email – you would be most welcome. We have a Youth policy to assist younger Old Alleynians under 30 to play subsidised golf with no membership fee. We are also looking forward to 2025, which will be the centenary of the OAGS. We have the original committee meeting minutes dated 11 February 1925, when the subs were half a crown and life membership cost two guineas. It also voted the Master to be President, so Dr Spence was voted President some decades before his birth. Remarkable foresight. We look forward to hearing from you. Honorary Secretary Duncan Anderson (64-71) oags2013sec@gmail.com www.oags.co.uk

OAAFC ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB 2021-22 was a big season for the OAAFC. After two covid disrupted seasons we were able to complete a full fixture list, with over 90 different OAs playing at some point throughout the year. We even played an inaugural 4th XI match: a thrilling 3-3 draw with their school counterparts at the College in January. In all, we finished the 21-22 season with our three regular sides recording their best ever league positions. The 1st XI secured a third place finish and a record points total in the Arthurian League Premier Division; their first full season at that level. After a slow start, the side went on a long unbeaten run, and ended the campaign as the team to beat in the division. Playing an excellent brand of attacking football, with a good mix of youth and experience, it is no surprise that Andy Moss’ (04-11) side are amongst the favourites for the title in 2022-23. The 2nd XI also finished third in their first season in Division 2, having been promoted in each of the previous two campaigns. Squad evolution had seen some previously key players become 1st team regulars, but skipper John Harvey (04-11) was able to integrate some new exciting young talent to have a fantastic second half of the year. This included a great run to the Junior League Cup (contested by teams in Division 2 and below) final, and they will be looking to go one better in the coming year. The 3rd XI finished mid-table in their first season in Division 3, after two promotions in the three years since their foundation. As ever, several debutants have come through the 3s to play huge roles in the club, and the excellent team chemistry and camaraderie has gone from strength to strength following the succession to the 3s' full-time captaincy of Cole Sullivan (04- 09). However, the highlight of the year was the club’s first overseas tour, to Madrid in August. Eighteen OAs enlisted for a proper football tour in the sweltering Spanish heat with matches against top class opposition and at lovely facilities. Ultimately, we won 4-3 on aggregate, and the football across the two games and in training was excellent, accompanied by full commitment to the vibrant Madrid social scene. The tour was an unforgettable experience for a great group of players across a remarkable nine different year groups, with OAs from the class of 2005 up to the class of 2017. George Edmund (08-15) Secretary OAAFC

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