2021 Band Shoppe Catalog

AIR BLADE® Set a new standard in competition and performance with the revolutionary Air Blade. Made from ABS plastic, the Air Blade is virtually indestructible! • Weighs 2.41 lbs and is 39" long ONLY FROM BAND SHOPPE • Injection molded from recyclable High Impact ABS Plastic • Perfectly balanced for tossing with endless hand positions • Can be taped or painted to match the theme of your performance • Silver and Gold versions are created using vacuum metallizing and

have a clear topcoat applied to protect the finish • Designed for schools with strict weapon codes • The metallizing process does not add any noticeable weight

• US PATENT DES D566,786 Choose White, Silver, or Gold

$ 37 .95 ea WHITE 6062511

$ 42 .95 ea SILVER 6062521

$ 42 .95 ea GOLD 6062541





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