Herbage Booklet 2023

Bartholomews Grazing No Clover Mix

Provides a highly digestible ley for intensive stocking situations such as dairy surrounds or beef cattle grazing. Clover is left out of this mixture for a variety of reasons; where high nitrogen fertilising is practised and if weeds become a problem the ley management require herbicide weed control.

Excellent persistency and winter hardiness Good early spring growth Superb conservation and grazing yields Long heading date spread to give prolonged grazing Suits all soil types

Sown at 14kg/acre

AberWolf Perennial Ryegrass Intermediate Diploid


AberChoice Perennial Ryegrass Late Diploid


Delika Perennial Ryegrass Late Diploid


AberGain Perennial Ryegrass Late Tetraploid



Comer Timothy

Timothy 1

PRG Tet 4.5

PRG Dip 8.5


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