Herbage Mix No 9 Protein Cut ( two – three-year dual-purpose ley )
This mix is not suitable for sheep grazing. The mix of red clover and hybrid ryegrass improves quality and persistence without loss of yield. Can be ensiled as a ryegrass sward with up to 3 cuts per season, followed by some grazing. Will do well on most well drained soils and is reasonably winter hardy.
First cut will take 50% of the red clover yield High protein quality silage with long duration for grazing Drought tolerant – suits light soils ( not suitable for poorly drained areas ) Rotational advantage – excellent entry for wheat crop
Red Clover 3
Suggested sowing rate 12kg per acre
Rusa Hybrid
Kirial Hybrid
SW Ares Red Clover
HRG Dip 9
Herbage Mix No 10 Haylage Maker ( good winter hardiness )
A medium term Haylage mix to produce abundant quality forage for general horse hay. ( For racehorse hay a mix of No. 1 and No.2 should be used. ) This mix also provides excellent full ground cover.
Medium term hay production Quality forage for farm livestock with good fibre content
Excellent persistence Good winter hardiness Good ground cover
IRG Dip 4
Suggested sowing rate 14kg/ac
Meribel IRG
HRG Dip 7
Melsprinter Tet IRG
Kirial Hybrid
IRG Tet 3
Rusa Hybrid
These mixes ( 10,11&12 ) will last approx. 5 years with correct management.
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