Herbage Booklet 2023

Undersown Mix

For those situations where you are not able to fit in a post-maize crop, perhaps and undersown mix can work for you. We have two options, depending on the desired longevity of the grass ley afterwards. The benefits to using an undersown grass ley are: Helps to keep the soil together at harvest Mops up any excess nutrients in the soil

Reduces bare soil run off risks Additional forage in the spring Increased water holding capacity Increases soil organic matter

We would suggest, based on the MGA ’ s guidelines to sow at the 7-8 leaf stage using either Herbage mix 1 or the medium term cutting mix.

Arable Silage Mixes

Cost effective method to produce high quality feed Useful source of starch and protein High protein forage that is home produced Only in the ground for a short period of time Ready to harvest in 14-16 weeks Earlier harvest allows for reseeding or drilling of autumn crops An earlier alternative to Maize Leaves residual nitrogen for following crops Sow march-mid April 75-85 kg / acre ( 50kg/acre if under sown with grass ) Oats, Peas, Barley, Vetch Can be mixed to suit individual requirements


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