Herbage Booklet 2023

Introduction Welcome to our Herbage booklet for 2023.

The mixes have been comprehensively put together to offer a selection that meet a range of requirements.

To help understand which mix will suit your needs, we have the useful flow chart below. Under each mixture name is a brief description of the mix, its components and suggested sowing rate. If none of our mixes quite suit your needs, remember we have the option to alter one of them, or to create a bespoke mix for you. We always aim to supply our mixtures as per the descriptions show. Occasionally, supplies of some varieties run out and it may be necessary to substitute the variety with one of a similar quality and growth habit. You will be advised of any substitutions via the bag label which has the constituents printed on it. Please call or email the seed department or your local agronomist for more information. Email: seed@bartholomews.co.uk Call: 01243 755620

Check out our Ultimate Guide to Grassland for more information! This guide covers all things grass seed from types of grass to choose; reseeding or overseeding and common weeds you might find. Please ask for the team for your copy!


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