Herbage Booklet 2023

Herbage Mix No. 1 Early Bite & Cut ( one – two year cutting ley ) Sown in the autumn, this mixture combines the attributes of tetraploid and diploid Italian ryegrasses. The diploid maintains the high dry matter, while the tetraploid provides the soluble carbohydrate content. Giving one massive first cut of high-quality silage, it can then be ploughed in and followed by maize or linseed. Left in place, it can be grazed through to the autumn or give a second or third cut of silage if no other grass leys are available and it will also provide two/three cuts in the second year. It has also been successfully established after maize and produced the same excellent yields.

IRG Dip 7

IRG Tet 7


Alamo/Meribel IRG


Gemini Tet IRG


Meribel IRG

Good early spring growth Good mid-season digestibility High percentage soluble carbohydrate Close heading dates to maximise

quality and quantity Good ground cover

Suggested sowing rate 14kg/ac

Westerwolds Ryegrass ( one year cutting ) With its quick establishment and early spring growth, this annual species can provide bulky, quality forage. Sown at 15kg /acre


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