Reporting against Learning Progressions is a significant mind shift for many of us educated under a ‘pass or fail’ system. Of course, NCEA and tertiary study still operate as pass or fail. However, we know that, in practice, learning goes through peaks and troughs to get to that end assessment point. To ensure that our boys are ready for the NCEA assessment system in Year 12, we need to first ensure they understand the process of learning and how to build their base knowledge and skills during their first three years with us. Focus on next steps With the long-term goal of reaching Stage 4 in mind, we will be working with our students to focus on what the LPs are telling them they need to work on next. Many primary schools use Next Learning Steps as a major feedback tool and this is the same philosophy that underpins Learning Progressions. When looking at a Progressions rubric, a student should be able to see where they are at and what is the next step to reach the next stage. Parents can see this too when a Learning Feedback is published. The Grades pages will provide you with the ‘best fit’ stage for your son’s current progress, along with the teacher comment.
By clicking into the assessment details, the full Learning Progression rubric will be displayed. Students will be taught to focus on the criteria in the next stage so they know how they need to develop to progress in that subject.
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