King's Business - 1942-11

A Few of the B arracks connected with o n e of the m any govern­ ment projects recen t­ ly c o m p l e t e d b y Myers Bros.


General Building Contractors

BROS. 1900


Los Angeles, California

Phone CLeveland 6-3181

3407 San Fernando Road

He’s Youngand Hopeful Today



1128 Black Building 357 So. Hill Street

Phone MUtual 5092

Los Angeles, Calif.

CfoiMniaA CuAtomi cúu L C oüu A a

ProvideforHisTomorrow-NOW! A grand boy! Think how his whole future life will be influenced as he regularly receives a check from the American Bible Society! The American Bible Society Annuity Agreement has never failed in 100 years to pay its holders the agreed upon return. And when you guard and influence this young man through the years, isn’t it a stirring thought to realize that you are taking part in the increasingly impor­ tant work of making the Holy Bible more widely available throughout the world? Let us send you “A Gift That Lives”—a booklet that tells how this Plan will work for you! n _THE _C OUPON_TODAY F American Bible Society, ■ ^ 1 ^ B ible House, New York, N . Y. ■ Please send me, without obligation, your I booklet KB-27 entitled “A Gift That Lives!’ Name.. | Address.. i City.. .State..

A Much Appreciated Christmas G reeting

W h y n o t use them this y e a r instead o f cards? D o you know th e ori­ g in of C hristm as bells — o r the candles? This fascinating and a ttra c ­ tiv e book gives you the answ ers to hundreds ol questions ab o u t C hrist­ m as. I t contains v alu ­ able d ata on the ori­ g in a n d u se o f 6 3 C hristm as custom s and symbols ! Also contains

Trained for Service— . . . trained to serve Christ in a needy world, graduates of Moody Bible Institute are proving the thoroughness of their prepara­ tion in America and on foreign mission fields. Whether you become a pastor, mis­ sionary, gospel musician, teacher, or lay worker, you will serve better with such sound training. Study with other conse­ crated young people this winter term, be­ ginning January 5. Write for details. OFFICE O F THE DEAN HtcocUj Dept. K-2 11 3 i n s t i t u t e p l a c e C H IC A G O • ILLINO IS

com plete w ords and m usic of 5 7 carols and songs. H andsom ely bound in blue & silver cover. Price enl> 2 3 c each, £ 2 .5 0 p er dozen, postpaid. ORDER N O W ! THE R0DEHEAVER HALL-MACK CO. Dept. KB-11, Winona Lake, lnd.

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