King's Business - 1942-11

November, 1843



and the other a sack of salt. (Make the picture of the globe by using two pieces of paper 7% inches in diam­ eter. Cut an opening % x 3% inches in one of the pieces of paper, begin­ ning 2 inches from the top and end­ ing, 2 inches from the bottom. Fasten the two pieces of paper together by pasting down the sides and across the bottom. With a crayon draw the lines of longitude and latitude on the front and back. Put the piece of paper representing a sack of salt between the two sides of the world, and be­ neath the opening. In the opening and on the inserted “sack” piece, printing downward, write the word “SALT.” Using the letters of this word, complete the following words, writing on the globe at both sides of the open­ ing: “SATISFIED,” “CLEANSED, ” “FELLOWSHIP” and “FAITHFUL.” On the back of the world write the word “SIN” several times.) LESSON: What is the matter with this 'world? “It has many sins—some large and some small.” Yes, the world Is sinful. The Bible says concerning all the people on the face of the earth: "All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Christ had observed the sinful world before He spoke to His disciples say­ ing, “Ye are the -salt of the earth” (Matt. 5:13). If we place this sack of salt in the world, we will see why Christ wanted His disciples to remem­ ber that they" were the salt of the earth. As we turn the world around, we find that It has several words which appear to be meaningless. We will put the sack of salt in the world and see what happens. We now read, “SATISFIED,” “CLEANSED,” “FEL­ LOWSHIP,” and “FAITHFUL.” When the people of the sinful world receive the testimony of Christians regarding Christ the Saviour, they are changed, just as this world is changed when the salt enters it. Those who were sinful become cleansed and sat­ isfied. Those who w e r e separated from God have fellowship with Him’ and His children. Instead of being untrue, they become faithful! We see how important it is for us to remem­ ber that we who have received Christ as our Saviour and' Lord are the salt of the earth. cm1PAPERCIR- „ clés and an □ c y j OPENINGINONE. DRAW LINESOf „ LONG*ANDUT- \O N FfC i.

penny for each one of you to keep. Did you know that the Lord Jesus once tatight a lesson from a. penny? LESSON STORY: Once a group of

Tennessee Mountain Mission (Undenominational Faith Mission) Scripture Memory Program in rural Tennessee. Thousands of poor 'mountain boys and girls are destitute of the Word of God. Help us win them to Christ by memorizing Bible verses for'awards.. Final award week at Camp. Funds for Gospels, Testaments, Story Books, Bibles urgently needed. Mail correspondence and gifts to Rev. A. J. Lev- engood, Tenn. Mountain Mission, Dayton, Tenn. It were, as some modern teachers as­ sert, then the religion and philosophy of Humanism would be true. The ulti­ mate purpose of human life and work is to glorify God. And thé strange paradox Is that when we lose sight of this glorification of God, It is not long until we lose interest in helping our fellow men. The church b e s t serves humanity in the long run when It maintains the glorification of God as the supreme duty. 3. "Shall we give, or shall we not giveT" (Mk. 12:15). Here is presented one of those false dilemmas often propounded by men who are deter­ mined to win an argument by any means. We should never forget, as our Lord demonstrated In His reply to His carping critics, that there is often a third alternative which avoids fool­ ish extremes In either direction. The Lord’s answer was both Yes and No— they were to give and also not give. What belonged to Caesar, he should get. What belonged to God, Caesar was not to get Golden Text Illustration M atthew 5 : 13 , 1 + In 1872, when I was coming back from Europe, there were a number of ministers on board ship. A young man stepped up to the captain and In a loud tone of voice, intending doubt­ less to insult some of the ministers, said he was sorry'he had taken pas­ sage on the boat, as it would be un­ lucky to travel with so many parsons. The captain was himself a pretty rough f e l l ow , and turning to the youth, said: “If you’ll show me a town in England where there are five thou­ sand people and not one parson, I’ll show you a place a mile nearer hell than ever you’ve been.” The.young man slunk away. I’d like to take all these people who do not believe in these things and put them on an Island by themselves. Why, they’d sink the first boat that touched there in their efforts to get on board and get away!—D. L. Moody in One Thousand Evangelistic Illus­ trations. On a Penny M ark 12:13-17 MEMORY-VEUSE: “Thou shalt bless the Lord thy God for the good land which he hath given t h e e ” (Deut. 8 : 10 ) . APPROACH: Here is a bright new

tricky men, called Pharisees and Her- odians, asked Jesus a question t h a t they thought would confuse Him. .They asked Him'wlieth- er people sh o u 1d pay taxes t o . t h e government or not. J e s u s didn’t an­

swer right away, but instead He asked them to bring Him a penny. They stood looking at the penny, just as we are looking at ours now. Although their coin was not exactly the same as ours, it. was like it. £ w — s - b i Y i s i o n They saw on their coin an image of, a man; it was Caesar, a ruler in that day. We see ■on these Lincoln pennies the image of Abraham Lin­ coln, one of the great Presidents of the United States. These images, and the words surrounding t h em, t e l l plainly what nations the coins belong to. To answer t h e people’s question about the taxes, Jesus said something like this: “Give to' your government the money that belongs to the gov­ ernment. But don’t forget that you, yourselves, are like coins.” What are some of the ways in which you, as a person, are like a coin? In the first place, you belong to God; He made you, and He wants the world to see His image in you. But if that is to be true, Vou must first give your­ self back to God, just as the Phari­ sees and Herodians were told to give back their money that belonged to the government. Haye you done that? If you have, there is a date on your life, just as there is a date on this penny. It isn’t your birthday, but the day you received the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:12) and became “a new creature” in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17). Like the penny, you are always to have a testimony for the Lord. The penny speaks about our nation, and it says: "In God We Trust.” You have a purpose, too. The penny’s pur­ pose is to tell about “liberty’’ which is enjoyed here in the United States, and for which we thank God. Our Memory Verse will help us to express how thankful we feel. You are to tell of another kind of liberty, too, the freedom f r o m sin which the Lord Jesus Christ gives to those who trust Him. The Bible says: “If the Son [the Lord Jesus] therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

Object Lesson S in and S alt


OBJECTS: Two pieces of paper: one with a sketch representing the globe

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