King's Business - 1942-11

November, 1942



a little baby so that He might know exactly how little children and grown people feel and what they need. He came to be our Saviour. You know the story-—how Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem; how the city was so crowded with people that there was no room for them in the inn; how Jesus was born in a manger; how the sky grew bright, and the angels told of His birth; how the shepherds on the hillside saw and heard and came and worshiped the little babe who was the Saviour of the world. You know some of the names by w h i c h t h e Babe of Bethlehem is known: “Jesus,” “Christ,” and “Lord.” But there is another name that is very important. Our Memory Verse gives it to us: “They shall call his name Emmanuel, which being inter­ preted is, God with us.” The Lord Jesus Christ —the little Babe and the coming“King—is GOD, for only He could save us from our sins. Shall we thank Him for coming to save us? OBJECTS: A quart jar with flat sides such as is used for pickles, a tumbler, a cup of water, a tablespoon­ ful of soap jelly made by dissolving soap in hot water, 1% tablespoonfuls of baking soda, 6 tablespoonfuls of vinegar and 2 tablespoonfuls of red ink. (On the front of the jar make the outline of a globe, either cutting the lines of the outline from paper or using a price clerk’s pencil which writes on glass. Print the word “SIN” on paper with a black crayon, cut out each letter, and paste on the back of the jar so that the word “SIN” will show when the audience look at the letters through the world. Around the word “SIN” paste the outline of Object Lesson A G reat G ift R om an s 12:1 I b eseech y o u th erefo re, b reth ren , b y th e m ercies o f God, th a t ye p r e se n t y o u r bod ies a liv in g sa crifice, h o ly , a ccep ta b le u n to God, w h ich is your rea so n a b le serv ice. 2 A nd b e n o t con form ed to th is w orld : b iit b e y e tra n sfo rm ed by th e r en ew in g o f y o u r m ind, th a t y e m ay prove w h a t is th a t . good, and a ccep ta b le, and p e rfect w ill o f God, 3 F o r f sa y , th ro u g h th e g ra ce g iv e n u n to m e, to ev er y m an th a t is am o n g you, n o t to th in k o f h im se lf m ore h ig h ly th an h e o u g h t to th in k ; bu t to th in k so b erly , a cco rd in g as God h a th d ea lt to ev ery m an th e m ea su re o f fa ith . 9 L et lo v e h e w ith o u t d issim u la tio n . A bhor th a t w h ich is e v il; c le a v e to th a t w h ich is good. 10 B e k in d ly a ffec tio n ed one to a n ­ o th er w ith b ro th erly lo v e ; in honor pre­ fe r r in g on e a n o th er; 11 N ot s lo th fu l in b u sin ess; fe r v en t in sp ir it; se r v in g th e Lord;

to this time, many so-called saviors; and a ir of them had failed. This Saviour is different from all who came before Him. This is seen in the iden­ tification: He is “Christ” and “Lord.” The name “Christ” is simply Greek for the Hebrew “Messiah.” Thus we learn that this Saviour is that great Person toward whom all Old Testa­ ment prophecy pointed through the ages. The name “Lord” is "kurios" in the Greek, a teirm which every Jew understood as the translation of the Hebrew “Jehovah.” Thus the Saviour born in Bethlehem, according to the angelic announcement, is Jehovah In­ carnate. This was the first lesson in theology learned by the shepherds on the Judean hills, a lesson not yet learned by many of the present day “wise men” who pose as the spiritual leaders of Christendom. No wonder that the shepherds praised God for all the things they had heard and seen! Instead of praising God, certain self-styled “advanced thinkers” sneer at these things as “theological dog­ mas.” Golden Text Illustration M atthew 1 :21 The uniqueness of the Lord JeSus Christ lies in the fact that He, the very one who was mankind’s Creator, is also man’s Saviour from sin. A Japanese preacher told his hear­ ers that he had tested all the leading religions in the East, and they had failed to satisfy him. He then became a disciple of a Christian missionary. “My soul,” he said, “was like a com­ plicated lock. My teacher brought the key down to the very bottom of the lock, and opened it easily. When a key opens a lock, we know that the two were made for each other. I felt sure that the Maker of my heart was also the Author of the gospel.”— Adapted from the Scottish Monthly Visitor. Away in a Manger L uke 2:1-20 MEMORY VERSE: “They shall call his name Emmanuel, which being in­ terpreted is, God With us” (Matt. 1:23). ' APPROACH: Have you ever been to the country and seen where cattle were kept? Perhaps you saw a stall where there was nice fresh straw and

12 20¿7



a heart. Put the cup of water in the jar and add the soap and soda. To the tumbler containing the vinegar, add the red ink.) LESSON: This jar has a world on the side of it. If I look deep into the world, I find a heart in which there is sin. The Lord Jesus Christ knew that the world had sinned, and He was willing to come down to earth, to be born in Bethlehem, and to live a sin­ less life and die for the sins of the world on the cross of Calvary. Each of us has sinned and needs the Saviour. He is the only One who can help us. We will let this red fluid remind us of His blood which He shed on the cross for the sins of the world. As I pour it into the world, a change takes plaee. The red covers the black sin and hides it .from our eyes. When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, He made it possible for all those who would trust His blood—His death for our sins—to be cleansed. Our sin is covered, and God now looks upon the blood of His Son and nb longer sees our sin. [Put jar out of sight before foam dies down.] We are reminded of the words of the angel to Mary, “Thou shalt call his name JESUS; for he shall save his people from their sins” (Matt. 1:21). Are you among “his people,” be­ cause you have asked Him to cleanse you from sin?

DECEMBER 27, 1942 DYNAMIC CHRISTIAN LIVING A cts 6:8-15; R omans 12:1-3, 9-21

12 R ejo icin g In h op e; p a tien t In trib u ­ la tio n ; c o n tin u in g in sta n t in prayer; 13 D istr ib u tin g to th e n e c e ssity o f sa in ts; g iv e n to h o sp ita lity . 14 B le ss th em w h ich p ersecu te you : b le ss, and cu rse n o t. 15 R ejo ice w ith th em th a t do rejo ice, and w eep w ith th em th a t w eep . B LACK BO ARD D R A W IN G

you thought, “Why, it was in 'a man­ gel- that belonged to cattle that the baby L o r d Jesus was laid!” LESSON STORY: The Lord Jesus was really a king, and

5 ‘D i v i s i o n ?°™e Pei ^ P s before long, all the world will obey Him as King. But He was willing to come to earth as

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