King's Business - 1942-11



November, 1942 Write lor FREE Sample “T he D oorstep E v a n g e l” w id ely u sed to w in so u ls. 4 -p a g e M onthly d istrib u ted by C hurches, C lasses and in d ivid u als. L ow in cost. H ig h in R esu lts. W h y .n o t in v e s­ tig a te ? W rite, en clo sin g stam p fo r m ail- ns ‘ t h e d o o r s t e p e v a n g e l Dr. W illard M. Aldrich, Editor P. O. Box 1-B Vancouver, Wash. 16 B e o f th e sam e m ind one tow ard an oth er. M ind n o t h ig h th in s* , bu t con­ descen d to m en o f lo w esta te . B e n o t w is e in y o u r ow n conceit*. 17 R ecom p en se to no m an e v il fo r ev il. P rovid e th in g s h o n est in th e sig h t o f a ll m en. , 18 I f it he p o ssib le, a* m uch a* lle th In y o u , liv e p ea cea b ly w ith a ll m en, 19 n e a r ly beloved , a v en g e n o t y o u r­ se lv e s, b u t r a th er g iv e p la ce u n to w rath i fo r It is w ritten , V en g ea n ce is m in e; I w ill rep ay, sa ith th e l ord. ■20 T h erefo re i f thine enem y hunger, feed h im ; i f he thirst, g iv e him d rin k ; fo r in so doing thou sh alt heap coals o f fir e on his head. ' 21 B e n o t overcom e o f evil, bu t over­ com e e v il w'ith good. I.ESSON T EX T : R om . 12:1-3, 9-21. GOI j DEN T E X T : ,lRe not overcom e o f e v il, b u t overcom e e v il w ith g ood ” (R om . 12 : 21 ). DEVOTIONAL R EAD ING : P h il. 3:7-14. Outline and Exposition I. T he F oundation of C hristian L iving (1, 2) S HE FIRST eleven chapters of doctrine, or what God has done. The remaining chapters of the Epistle tell how the believer should live; that is, they concern practice, or what God wants the believer to do., The lesson today has to do with the foundation for this practice. First, there must be knowledge of the “mercies of God.” The chapter opens wi^h the words, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God.” Unlike Moses who commands, the Spirit “beseeches.” But love turns this to a command of greater force than that of Moses. Those addressed are “brethren,” not sinners seeking to become brethren. Second, there must be a definite surrender: “Present y o u r bodies.” “Present” is a temple term (cf. Rom. 6:13, R. V.), meaning a voluntary giv­ ing. The surrender will be all-inclu­ sive—“your bodies”—involving the en­ tire being: spirit, soul, and body.¡‘It. will be continuous, “a living sacri­ fice.” It will be a “sacrifice” by which the offerer releases all claim to own­ ership or management; “holy,” en­ tirely separated unto God; and “ac­ ceptable,” giving God delight, as did the self-surrender of Jesus to the Fa­ ther’s ownership and control. This kind of surrender is “reasonable,” because of what the believer was by nature and what he is by grace, because of

the bondage which formerly held him and the freedom he now enjoys in Christ. Third, there will be an acceptable practice. Negatively; there w i l l be nonconformity to the present age. The character of this age is evil (ef. Gal. 1:4; Eph. 2:2); its conduct folly; its end destruction (cf. 1 John 2:16, 17); its spirit selfishness; its ruler is the Evil One. Positively, there will be a new relationship to the Holy Spirit. The believer is exhorted: “Be ye trans­ formed by the r e n e w i n g of your mind,” rather than by outward re­ strictions. The only way to avoid con­ formity to this evil age is to allow the Holy Spirit continuously to reveal and reproduce Christ within the be­ liever (cf. 2 Cor. 3:17, 18; 1. Cor. 2:16). II. T he M anifestation of C hristian L iving (3, 9-21) The believer who haSr built upon the foundation described in the previ­ ous verses will manifest certain char­ acteristics. There will be humility (v. 3), which has been called the fairest flower that grows in the garden of grace. Humility is unconscious self- forgetfulness. It does not lead to grov­ eling, but rather reminds the believer constantly of the pit from which he has been lifted by the grace of Goch There will be love Vvs. 9-15), the manifestation of the l i f e of Christ within. A comparison of these verses with the life our Lord lived upon earth will reveal how fully He exem­ plified what is here set forth concern-

S T A R o f

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this Epistle tell how the be­ liever becomes dead to sin and alive unto God; that is, they concern

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