King's Business - 1942-11



November, 1942

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ing the Christian’s practical living. There will be the pursuit of pgace (vs. 16-18). The avoidance of schism or division among brethren, the oc­ cupation with lowly things, the ab­ horrence of pride, the eagerness for honesty—all these will make for peace among brethren, among strangers, and among all classes of mankind. There will be the committal of the entire person to God (vs. 19-21). The believer will not seek personal ven­ geance, but will turn every matter over to the One who judges righteous­ ly, even as our Lord Jesus Christ did (cf. 1 Pet. 2:19-23). To seek for re­ venge means to take the place and authority of God, who alone can ren­ der righteous judgment. The Chris­ tian is to overcome evil with good. Points and Problems 1. In Romans 12, the Christian life is presented from the standpoint of three relationships: First, in relátion to God, we should live a life of con­ secration (vs. 1, 2). Second, in rela­ tion to ourselves, it should be a life of humility (vs. 3-8).'Third, in rela­ tion to others, it should be a life of love (vs. 9-21). These three relation­ ships can be pointed out easily in three expressions which occur in the chapter. In the first section, notice the words “unto God”; in the.second section the words “of himself” (v. 3), and in the. third section the words “one to another” (v. 10). These words should be marked'in your Bib.les. 2. "I beseech you" (v. 1). This is quite evidently the language of Grace. The Christian believer has .been trans­ ported by grace above and beyond the terror and thunder of the Law. There is no curse in this language of grace. This is the reason the most terrible sin in the world is to disre­ gard the beseeching voice of God. 3. "By the mercies of God" (v. 1). God not only speaks to His children with the language of grace, but He beseeches us by the motive of grace. He lays upon us the responsibility of Christian living, not by the dread pen­ alties of the Law, but “by tile mercies of God.” These “mercies” have been fully expounded by the Apostle in the earlier chapters of his epistle (chs. 1-8); and they include justification by faith, sanctification through u n i o n with Christ, and preservation forever in Christ. Now in chapter 12 he tells us we ought to live for God because of what He has done for us. Gratitude is the most powerful motive in the world. The lash of the Law arouses rebellion in human nature (Rom. 7:9), but the motive of gratitude dissolves it. 4. “To think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith" (v. 3). It is not “the” but "a" measure of faith. The idea here is not that some have more

saving faith than others, for in this ' respect there is no difference. He is speaking of the “measure” w h i c h goes with saving faith and determines our particular place in the Body of Christ, our place of responsibility and service (cf. vs. 4-8). Our saving faith is the same in all believers, but our “gifts” differ. And we may be sure that God gives to each one, in this respect, all that He can safely give. ; 5. The third section of this chapter divides into two parts: We are to live a' life of love in relation to others. The first part (vs. 10-16) speaks of love toward those who are within the Christian brotherhood. This love is called “brotherly love,” or literally “brother-love.” The second part speaks of love toward all men (vs. 17-21). See the expression “all men” in verses 17 and 18. The only. Christian ven­ geance is love. Golden Text Illustration R omans 12:21 I have in hand a. piece of lead. I hold it over a pool of water, and then relax my grip. The lead is immediate­ ly and irresistibly pulled earthwards, and sinks to the bottom of the pool. It has been mastered by the mighty law of gravitation. I take the same piece of lead, at­ tach it to a piece of wood and drop it into1the pool. This time it floats. What has happened? Has it lost its tendency to sink? No, but another stronger law has come into operation,, the law governing floating bodies, and now the lead is free from the law of gravitation. In our natural state, we are at the mercy of the law of sin and death, but by virtue of our union with Christ and the indwelling of His Spirit, the irresistible law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is set in motion, and we are freed from the tyranny of the law.of sin and death. —J. Oswald Sanders. .Stephen's Shining Face A cts 6:8-15; R omans 12:21 MEMORY VERSE: “Your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you” (John 16:22). APPROACH: Phyllis and her par­ ents were Coming home from their vacation. It was night. Curled up in the back seat of the. car, Phyllis closed

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