King's Business - 1942-11

4?4 THE K I NG ’S BUS I NESS NOTES on Christian Endeavor ;

November, 1942

. Note that Christ does not speak of “our Father” in referring to God, but He does: speak of “my Father.” God becomes Father to us when we are born again into the family of God through faith in Christ (Gal. 3:26). Believers’ fellowship with the Lord Jesus Christ provides for, His sig­ nature upon what we might call “checks” presented tp the Bank of Heaven for “anything that they shall ask.” But young people must agree on what shall be asked of God, and ask in God’s will, before the“ check” will be honored and paid in full. It is God’s will that we approach Him through Jesus Christ as our Saviour (John 5:23; 14:6; 16:23; Heb. 7:25). 2. How many times shall the Chris­ tian forgive one. who has wronged him? Christ answers Peter’s question liberally: as long* as forgiveness is sincerely sought, so long should the believer be willing to forgive (Matt. 18:21, 2 2 ;'Lk. 17:3, 4). Forgiveness and grudging do not belong together in the same ,heart. 3. The necessity of washing of water by the Word to cleanse- the Christian from daily defilement must not be overlooked (Eph. 5:26; cf. 25, 27). When we worship as. a group we see the power of the Word of God (Heb, 4:12) in individual lives and our responsibility to one another. -III. WORSHIP MUST LEAD TO ; ACTION. When Peter w a s released .from prison by the angel of the Lord (Acts 12:1-19), he ‘came to the home of Mark, where, the. assembled Chris­ tians were praying for his-release. Peter continued knocking at the gate while Rhoda ran to tell the-praying ones the. good news of Peter’s arrival. .’- God would not have us worship- to­ gether jusfc for a mystical vision of Himself, not only for the fellowship with other Christians, nor-for the beautiful music . and' quiet- of His house, but t h r o u g h worship God would commission us to open the door of' answered prayer and hear witness to His saving and keeping power. Must God long continue to knock through the “Peter” of our experience before we will believe that we have the answer to our united petition? Is the Lord Jesus standing outside the door of-our experience, waiting to be recognized and admitted? (Rev. 3:20, 21 ). Worship has failed in its one great purpose if i f does not bring us to God and lead us to actively serve the Lord Jesus Christ. The witnessing Christian is the Christian Who has come to lay all that he is and'' hopes to be at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ that He may use this yielded life for the accomplishment; of the will of God .(Rom: 12:1,'2).

The W riters

December 6—THELMA BAIN .

At Wheaton arid Westmont Colleges, Miss Bain majored in Christian -Education, and her work with young people has continued through Sunday-school teaching and other youth -activities.- Miss Bain is active in Bible club work among col­ lege students,and graduates. Education Department at Westmont College, Los Angeles, Calif., Miss McCreery (Biola ?36) continually is' working" With young people who are preparing for Christian service. For a number of summers she served in Vacation Church School and young people’s work. i Miss Cook, who is the Managing Editor of THE, KING’S .BUSINESS, has béen a teacher of young people’s Sunday- school classes as well as of teacher-training groups. Mr. Wendt (B. Th. -’40 at Biola) is pastor of the Montecito Park Union Church, Los Angeles, Calif. He teaches the Philol- ogus Club, a Bible club for students at Woodbury College, Los Angeles, and is a speaker and song leader at young people’s conferences and rallies. As Deán of Women ánd Assistant Professor in the Christian


December 13—RUTH McCREERY * ^

' \ .

December 20—MILDRED M. COOK

December 27—LOWELL C. WENDT » -

. DECEMBER 6, 1942 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE WORSHIP TOGETHER? 7 M atthew 18:19-22 •- By Thelma Bain ' . Introduction S Old John was a than of God and" :loved his village chapel. One day he was stopped by an acquaintance ,$ho was an ardent angler. “I say, John,” said the angler, “I ■have often. wondered what attraction there is up at the village chapel. You go week after week to the same old chapel,, see thè same folks, sing the same hymns , ait a minute,” .interrupted John, ‘■you fish very often at the same spot, and in the Same water, do you not?” y “Yes,.that’s true,” agreed-the other. John smiled, and then exclaimed: “Well, you do-not, really, for thé water you fished in yesterday has passed on to the sea. And every time I go up to the chapeT, the Lord has something fresh for me.” P i ~ . —Watchman-Examiner. ; For Those Who Have Topics I. WORSHIP BRINGS THE BELIEVER -TO GOD, ...... „ .. Ê

The real purpose of worship is to bring the sinner into fellowship with à holy God and to share in the out­ working of His purposes;-. This fact,is illustrated in the experience of Isaiah (6 :1 -9 ):, , f . { “ " ^ • 3. Consciousness of God’s holiness and man’s ùnworthinèss. 4. Purging of personal sin. 5. Enduement with the Holy Spirit. 6. Invitation to Service,. • 7. Response to God’S call. These are likewise the steps to, all true worship, today—both of the. indi­ vidual and of the group, and they might profitably be studied in plan-, ning the worship service of thé Chris­ tian Endeavor Society. II. WORSHIP PROVIDES GOD’S HELP FOR DAILY LIVING. 1. In Matthew 18:1-18 the Lord Jesus Christ deals with the relation­ ship of individual believers to one an­ other. When personality problems or problems relating to the kingdom at large arise, if as many as two believ­ ers are agreed in petitioning God for any one thing, the Lord Jesus will per­ sonally intercédé for them in, the solu­ tion:-- •• .. .. .. .. . 1. Vision of the Lord. 2. Praise to the Lord.

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