King's Business - 1942-11



November, 1942


further study, look up In a concord­ ance the references listed under the word "worship.”) , IV. WORSHIP MUST BE CAREFULLY PLANNED FOR BY THE LEADER. Careful and detailed preparation is essential to insure rich and vital wor­ ship experiences. This includes: 1. Unifying the materials of worship around a central theme. Psalm 100:2 says, “Come before his presence With singing.” Songs are here ‘listed as a material through which we worship. In other passages .of Scripture, we find that prayer, the Word, the sacraments, instruments, and offerings are other materials of worship. Each part of a worship serv­ ice should intensify the central theme of that service. 2. Making provision for variety in worship experiences. Just as a steady diet of rice three times a day and seven days a week would become monotonous and would cause a dislike for that food, so same­ ness of materials or of the pattern of worship causes monotony arid dis­ interest in worship. Variety is one of the factors which insures freshness and vitality and vigor in the worship experience. 3. Making the physical surround­ ings an aid to worship. An attractive, orderly, clean room Is easier to worship in than is an untidy, dirty room. Plan for appro­ priate pictures, flowers, quiet and worshipful music. 4. Relating the worship experience to the needs of the group. Worship should be based on vital spiritual needs. These will be revealed by ah intensive study of the interests, capacities, and spiritual background Worship, that holy, vitalizing ex­ perience of the Christian with his God, is of such import that it de­ mands intensive study, careful prep­ aration, and prayerful presentation. DECEMBER 20, 1942 WHAT CHRISTMAS SAYS THIS YEAR I saiah 9:6, 7; 61 :l-3 By Mildred M. Cook ' Introduction This year, more than in any year that has preceded it, the ipessage of Christmas is one of glorious hope— “that blessed hope” of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The conditions that prevail in the world, haying been foretold in the Word of God, should make us to rejoice in the certainty of the return of the Lord from heaven and should cause us to order our lives in the light of that coming. In many groups, a meeting centered of the group. CONCLUSION.

in thè thought of the return of the Lord Jesus Christ will be something new, and in all groups it can bd made deeply interesting and stimulating. Let the .joy that springs from “that blessed hope” pervade the meeting. Make much use of music, especially of selections that create hope and as­ surance, and give prominence to the actual words of Scripture, for God has promised to bless His own Word. What does Christmas say this year? One answer is in the hymn, “Christ Returneth”: “It may be at morn, when the day Is awaking, When sunlight through darkness and shadow is breaking, That Jesus will come In the fullness of glory To receive fi’om the world ‘His own.’ “It may be at midday, it may be at twilight, It may be, perchance, that the black­ ness of midnight Will hurst into light in the blaze of His. glory, When Jesus receives ‘His own’.” Many of the Old Testament proph­ ets, writing under t h e , i n s p i r a t i o n of the Holy Spirit, clearly foresaw the coming of Christ. To them it was a great mountain peak in the distance. Some of them did not discern that what they saw was really two moun­ tain peaks—the first and the second advents of Christ—and that the valley in between these two events is the church age in which we now are living. Likewise, many Christians do not understand that at the second coming of Christ there will be His return for His people (1 Thess. 4:16, 17), and later His return with His people to exercise the righteous rule that has been promised. For Those Who Have Topics I. THE SAVIOUR IS COMING. Scripture: "Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” (Have some one read this Scripture portion in Isaiah 9:6, 7 reverently and with ex­ pression while the piano plays "Hark! the Herald Angels Sing.” Let a good soloist in the group sing the stanza which opens with the words: "Christ, by highest heaven adored; Christ, the everlasting Lord!” Comment: Some two thousand years ago, He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, e v e n to them that believe on his name” (John 1:12). Have you received Him? Have I? Only those who have accepted Him a.s Saviour will be in that happy company of whom Paul wrote (read 1 Thess. 4:16, 17). In order to greet the coming Saviour, we must already have yielded to the

FEATURES* Introduction and The Lesson Verse by Verse By David J. Faut Lessons fr^Om the Lesson By Ira £ . David The Beginner’s Class By Eleanor M. Jones The Primary Class and The Junior Class By Stella M. Rady The Intermediate Class By Maud E . MacPhee The Lesson illustrated B y Addie B. Anderson



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