King's Business - 1942-11

November, 194? I



83 YEARS ' OF CHRISTIANSERVICE The Sunday School Times has been published every week, without in­ terruption, for over 83 years, as an all-around Christian journal stand­ ing for the whole Gospel and the whole Bible as the Word of God. Everyweek it contains ten helps on the International Uniform Lessons for many -different departments. Everyweek it contains editorials on everyday Christian living. Everyweek it contains the answer to some reader’s problem that no doubt is puzzling thousands of it contains special arti­ cles on some phase of the Christian life, Bible study, Sunday school teaching or management. inaddition to all of these weekly features it brings to its readers frequent series of articles on timely subjects. Here are some to be pub­ lished during the fall and winter: "Was Christ’s TriaJ Just?” by Ir­ win H. Linton, well-known Chris­ tian lawyer. “Why I Believe That Jesus Christ Is the'Son of God,” by the Rev. T. Stanley Soltau, former missionary in Korea. "How an Everyday Christian Woman An­ swered an Everyday Infidel,” by Mrs. E. P. Stead. Other equally im­ portant series vital to Christian thinking today will appear in fu­ ture issues. A 24-weeks-for-$1.00 subscription will bring all of the regular weekly features, that mean so much to the Christian worker and Sunday school teacher, plus special mate­ rial planned for publication during the next ffw months. Send $1.00 now for 24 weeks. others. Everyweek

Th e K i ng ' s B u s i n e s s Volume XXXIII November, 1942 Number 11 The True-to-the-Bible Family Magazine

M o t t o U n t o him that loved, us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5).

TABLE O F CONTENTS • Cover Photograph: Big Trees at Yosemite Ransom D. Marvin, Staff Artist

Around the King’s Table —Louis T . Talbot ................................................. .. 404 Significance of the News —Dan Gilbert ............... ..................................:......... 405 What Is There Left to Be Thankful F o r ?— A Symposium ........................... 406 The Sentinel of Peace —Arthur Hedley.. ................................... ....................... 408 Avoiding Panic ..................................i __________ ....______ .....;.................. 409 This Day of Thanks — Herbert Lo£kyer.....~...~~ .............. .......... .................... 410 The Christian Minister in Uniform — Chaplain E. E. Paulson .............. . 412 International Lesson Commentary.............................................................'........ 414 Notes on Christian Endeavor — Thelma Bain, Ruth McCreery} Mildred M . Cook, Lowell C. Wendt ........................................424 Junior King’s Business —Martha S. Hooker .................... ^...................... 429 Daily Devotional Readings..................................................... ............................ 431- Bible Institute Family Circle............... ............................................................... 436 The Official Organ of THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Inc., « I L D ilE D M. COOK M a n agin g E d ito r INFORMATION FOR SUBSCRIBERS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE* “T he K in g 's B u sin e ss” is p u b lish ed m on th ly, $1.00— one y ear; $1.50— tw o y ea rs; 50 cen ts— six m on th s; 10 cen ts— s in g le copy. C lubs o f th ree or m ore a t sp ecia l ra tes. W rite fo r d eta ils. C anadian and fo reig n su b scrip tio n s 25 cen ts extra. I t req u ires one m onth fo r a ch a n g e o f add ress to becom e e ffe c tiv e . r P lea se sen d b o th old and n ew add resses. REM ITTANCE—P a y a b le in advan ce, sh o u ld be m ade b y ban k draft, ex p ress or p o st o ffic e m on ey order p a y a b le to “T he K in g ’s B u sin ess.” D a te o f ex p ira tio n w ill sh o w p la in ly each m on th on o u tsid e w rapper o r co v er o f m agazin e. ADVERT ISING— F or in fo rm a tio n w ith referen ce to a d v e r tisin g in “T he K in g ’s B u sin ess,” ad d ress th e A d v ertisin g M anager, 558 Sou th H ope S treet, L os A n g eles, C alif., or our ea stern rep resen ta tiv e, R elig io u s P ress A sso cia tio n , 51 No. 52nd St., P h ila d elp h ia , Pa. MANUSCRIPTS— “T he K in g s B u sin e ss” ca n n o t a ccep t resp o n sib ility fo r lo ss or d am age to m a n u scrip ts se n t to it fo r consid eration . E n tered as sec o n d -c la ss m a tter N ovem ber 7, 1938, a t th e p o st o ffic e a t L os A n geles, C alifornia, under th e A ct o f M arch 3, 1879, A ccep tan ce for m a ilin g a t sp ecia l r a te o f p o sta g e provided fo r in th e A ct o f F eb ru a ry 28, 1925, em bodied ,in p a ragrap h 4, sectio n 538, P. L. and R., au th orized O ctober 1, 1918, and N overhber 13, 1938. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 South Hope Street • Los Angeles, California LOUIS T. TALBOT E d ito r-In -C h ief

T h e Su nday School T im es Co* ’ D ept. B -2, 325 N. 13th S tre e t P h ila d elp h ia , P a. I e n clo se on e d o lla r fo r a 24- w e ek s su b scrip tio n to T he Sun­ d ay School T im es, to sta r t w ith th e cu rren t Issue. Name.....--------------------------- „____ „„ A ddress , .... ------------------------- T.T.n.r—

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