King's Business - 1942-11


Kov«mb*r, 1943

languages, at all p r i c e s—a New Testament can be bought for as small a sum as five cents—and yet how little is it valued and used! Do you love the Word of God? And are you thankful for the privilege of having in your hands God’s own Book? Read it daily, study it, and obey it. May we say with the Psalmist, “Thy testi­ monies also are my delight, and my counselors . . . O how love I thy law!” (Psa. 119:24, 97). “How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mputh” (Psa. 119: 103).—R. K. C. More Victory Memory Verses The "V” is a most popular letter in the alphabet these‘days. It stands for Victory, as you well know. Our mem­ ory work will again be formed around these letters. In the Christian life there ts a foe, strong and terrible— Satan—but we have a Captain—th e Lord Jesus Christ—who has never lost a battle. The Word of *God has prom­ ised us “Victory through Christ.” V “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, ’ Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). I "I am the good shepherd: the good * shepherd giveth his life f o r t h « sheep” (John 10:11). C “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right” (Eph. 6:1). ■J* “This is a faithful saying, and ® worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came Into the world to save sinners: of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1:15). Q "Omagnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together” (Psa. 34:3). R "Repent ye therefore, and be con­ verted, that your sins may be blot­ ted out” (Acts 3:19a). Y “Ye are the light of the world. A * city that is set on a hill cannot be hid” (Matt. 5:14)'. What to Make A T hanksgiving B asket At Thanksgiving time, we pack bas­ kets of food to send to friends or those .in need. This year let us pack a basket of Scripture food to send along with the other baskets. In that way we really will be giving our Thanksgiv­ ing Day gifts of food In the name of the Lord Jesus, for we will be helping others to love His Word. First make a basket out of brown construction paper. I am sure you have made one at some time at school. Be sure to cut your basket double and to paste the two sides together about the edges, leaving it unsealed across the top line. If you can find a small picture of a Bible, paste it on the basket, for all the good things which you will put in 4

119:105), and a package of seed (Matt 13:3-8, 19-23)—these and still, other articles might be tucked away in the basket May you have a happy time making these Thanksgiving baskets, with Bi­ ble, paper, scissors, paste, and cray­ ons; and may those who receive them receive great spiritual blessing! —M. S. H. The Writing on the Shore I read one morning on the sand, And written by a childish hand, A truth the billows cannot teach, A truth past human wisdom’s reach, “God is Love.” It seemed a very angel’s trace, God’s footprint in that lonely place; It brightened up the sea and sky, And glad I was I could reply, “God is Love.” And much I thanked my little friend, Who thus her joyous creed had penned; And may she know forevermore The truth she wrote upon the shore— “God Is Love.” —Selected. New K. Y. B. C. Members The follow ing have read thro u g h the Gospel according to John and are now m em bers of th e Know Your Bible Clubi BAMBERG, S. CAR.: Vilm§t B rabham ; Heleir D aniel R ay; Joseph Smoak; Mildred and •P a tric ia Spires, and Doris W ilson (Mrs. Sam Black, Mrs. M. O. H ew itt, and Mrs. M. E. Ayer, teachers). HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA.: Shirley Clap« per; Carol and Joyce F ig a rt; R o b e r t H am pton; D arleanne and Donna Jeanne McClellan; V i r g i n i a Webb and Floyd W eicht (R ichard H. Meyers, leader). KANSAS CITY, KANS.: R uth Andrade; Dydia and R uth B atrez; C arlo tta B ecerra; E ugenia Campos; M artha DeL&ra; E n- riq u eta L ira; Rebecca Lopez; Amelia R am ­ irez; Anna Marie R iojas, and Abigail Sanchez (Mrs. Jo h n n eta Saunders, lead­ er). OMAHA, NEBR.: Ja n e t and Lois Lam - m ers; Pauline Mead; John Ehidler: Joan Show alter; K eith Surface, and C arroll W ard (Mrs. J. A. Post, leader). ST. JOSEPH, MO.: D orothy Boling; Mary E llingson, and Pauline Gooddale (E arl F. Stoner, leader). &4N LUIS OBISPO, CALIF.: R uth K al­ in er (Mrs. G. M Stoltz, leader). SANTA ANA, CALIF.: F ern Dannen- b ring; M arjorie Johnston; Carmen Mc- Loney; M arjorie R a itt and A leta Robin­ son (Mrs. W ill J. Lindsay, leader). WASHINGTON, D. C.: Nancy C liff and M ary W o o d w a r d (Miss E thel Vance, leader).. How to Join the K. Y. B. Club T o b ecom e a m em b er o f th e K n o w Y our B ib le C lub, rea d th ro u g h th e G ospel ac­ co rd in g to Joh n , u s in g e ith e r y o n r o w n B ib le o r a G ospel o f John w h ich w ill be s e n t u p on req u est. W h en th e G ospel h as b een rea d and a sta tem e n t to th is e ffe c t, sig n e d b y p a ren t o r S n n d a y -sch o o l te a c h ­ er, h a s b een s e n t to th e E d ito r o f th e J u n io r K in g ’s B u sin e ss, a K . Y . B . C. p in w ill b e m ailed . S u n d a y -sch o o l c la sse s o r clu b s d e sirin g to o rd er te n o r m ore G osp els or p in s m a y w ish to sh a re th e c o st o f th e se su p p lies, a s th e L ord d i­ r e c ts; G osp els, p o stp a id , fiv e c en ts each — in q u a n tity , th r e e cen ts: p in s, w ith o u t p o sta g e , tw o c e n ts ea ch . H o w ev er, n o one Is to do w ith o u t a G ospel or p in b eca u se o f la c k o f m on ey. A d dress: J u n io r K in g ’s B u sin e ss, 558 S. H ope St., L os A n g e le s, C alif.

your basket are found in the Word of God. After the basket is made, you are ready to pack it with “spiritual” food. What good things we will put In It! First, you might like to put in a bot­ tle of milk. (For this and the following articles named, cut picturesfrom mag­ azines, paste plain paper on the back, and print the Scripture verse. If pic­ tures are not available, write the name of the article and the Scripture pas­ sage on squares of colored paper.) Milk makes boys and girls grow phys­ ically, and the Bible speaks of the “milk” of the Word which causes them to grow spiritually (1 Pet 2:2). Next you can pack in a Jar of honey. Honey is a very good sweetener, and similarly God’s Word is “sweet" to our taste (Psa. 19:10: 119:103). Add a good piece of meat Just as meat is needed to make strong bodies for boys and girls, so the Word of God strengthens and builds up our spir­ itual lives (Heb. 5:14). A jug of pure water may be placed next In the basket Water refreshes and cleanses, and it is God’s Word that He uses in cleansing and keeping us from sin (Psa. 119:9, 11; Eph. 5:25, 27). ' A loaf of bread is always appre­ ciated by those who receive Thanks- g i v i n g baskets . 1 The Lord Jesus said, “I am that bread of life” (John 6:48; cf. 51). There are other things, too, that might be added to our Thanksgiving basket besides food. For instance,' a bit of silver or something gold in color, hidden away in the baskdfr, would be a lovely surprise (Psa. 119:72). A mir­ ror (Jas. 1:22-27); a hammer (Jer. 23:29); a lamp or flash light .(Psa.

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